Morning, 13th August, 2013 Dream 1: Harry Potter and Loki are stuck in separate green, grimy cells. They both happen to have computers and MSN each other out of boredom. Dream 2: I am in the middle of a 'lucid dream' (dream inside a dream) when suddenly the dreamscape becomes hazy and I wake up to hear noises in the house. I jump out of bed and hide from the view of my bedroom door. Two men in suits come barging in, shining torches around instead of using the lights. They look around my room and I keep quiet, then they suddenly find me and grab me harshly on my forearm - saying something about me being a lucid dreamer and that I have to go away for experiments - and take me away. We go outside to their hover car and they tie me up with a rope that connects to the car. They fly off with me hanging by the rope. I see a blue portal open up in front of the car and I'm very curious. We go inside and I see a shiny futuristic city with lots of shiny silver. They park the hover car and ... (I forgot what happened between this.) I am in the city's supermarket being escorted by one of my captors, and because I am a 'lucid dreamer', a specimen to them, they feel the need to sanitize the floor I just walked on - a janitor does this with a mop, and he's following me around. I decide to have some fun with this and step on the floor so much times in front of the janitor just to see his shocked and exasperated expression. (It was actually pretty funny.) And then the dream ended.
10th August, 2013 I am in a very dark hotel room that looks like a tornado burst through and scattered objects everywhere. I don't remember anything before that, and then two girls introduce themselves as Morgan and Georgia (but for some reason I keep calling her Samantha). They explain what has happened to the world, and show me through a broken window with barricades on it. I see alien ships firing red lasers at a near-destroyed city and fire burns everywhere. I am so shocked that I suddenly say something about there not being any more chocolate. We sit down and talk for a bit (Georgia kept getting irritated when I called her Samantha a few times). Then we notice a light on underneath the door. We open the door and across from us is another door with bright lights on. I tell Morgan and Samantha (Georgia!) to be careful and then we burst through the door. Inside was my brother playing cards with two of his friends, not caring about the invasion outside. I wonder why my brother is there, and I think it's a bit strange so I do a nose-plug reality check. It works, but I keep doing it five more times just to be sure. The dreamscape changes and I am back in my bed, but I know I am dreaming. I do the nose-plug reality check again, then I jump out of bed and spin around on the spot repeating, "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming!" I'm excited so I run outside and down the driveway. I want to fly so I try jumping up into the air, but I fall down and crash into a weak table. I am slightly frustrated so I conjure a flying object, which so happened to be a flying motorcycle. (I've been reading too much Harry Potter, ha ha.) I drive off into the air, and after about ten seconds flying, I lose lucidity. At some point the motorcycle morphs into a flying horse before the dream ends.
Updated 08-12-2013 at 06:59 AM by 63694