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    Multi-view dreams

    by , 11-11-2010 at 02:38 PM (562 Views)
    Dream 1:
    I had a dream I was on a helicopter ride over a river or marsh with some of my friends. The helicopter crashed and I was the only one to jump out into the river before it crashed. After making it to dry land, I collapsed and immediately started the dream over from the views of each of the passengers.

    Dream 2:
    I was at work at a large online corporation with several flaws in their website. I was upset that I didn't get the position in the Coding department so I broke the website several times by introducing special characters into the form fields. They ended up breaking the site very badly and I came up with a solution to fix it. After the site was fixed, I was sent back to the shitty position that i was originally hired from.

    I then started to see the dream from someone else's point of view. The person who was trying to undo what I had done and get the site running. They had a slight chance of finding out who did it, but had no real evidence that it was in-house. After I received help from my previous-self, just a nobody who answered the phones, I took credit for the fix and got a raise. My previous-self got no recognition at all.

    Dream 3:
    My roommate lent her car to a friend who had recently totaled his car. He called from a bar, later in the day saying he was bringing the car home now. It was obvious he was drunk. My roommate was so angry that I received the brunt of her anger(this happens in real life, I get abused for something I had no part in). I was finally sick of all the abuse, told her, "it isn't my fucking fault" and moved out the next day.

    My next part of the dream, I was someone who was trying to buy my roommates car from the cops after it was impounded. I remember asking many questions on how I could buy impounded cars or the locations of the auction sites. The cops said they were the same ones who pulled over some drunk kid and had to use excessive force on him. They then raided the house of my previous-self's roommate's house because there were drugs stashed under the driver's seat.

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    1. SAGU's Avatar
      Hello, My friend I believe your 1st dream can be interpreted. 1. The heliocoptor is the fast way you and your friends live life...the ride of life. 2. The marsh below is a symbol of death.
      3. You'll get off but your friends will not. 4. You'll start this ride all over again after a narrow escape. The dream is open-ended for a reason. Will you choose to stop your life style or roll dice again and again.