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    A Penrose Mind

    Day 11: Sports Games and Telekinesis

    by , 02-09-2011 at 11:08 PM (712 Views)
    My dream recall's getting worse and worse these days, getting up at 4:30 in the morning doesn't help.

    Dream 1:
    I'm at my friend's house(who apparently in the dream is rich). His den is very shiny and white. On a table in the den are around a hundred copies of "Game Informer." Each of them says that there are 66 free games inside.

    "Wow, your dad has all these games?" I ask my friend.

    "Yeah." He tells me. We go into his room and start to play some xbox. Then everything fades out and I wake up, and go right back to bed.

    Dream 2:
    I meet my friend (for some reason in the dream his name is Apilde) in the hospital. I ask him what happened to him.

    He starts to have a flashback, which is strangely enough all in anime.

    What happened to him was, some punk or something, shot a grenade launcher at his feet (he said it was a hollow point grenade). It blew off his clothes and everyone else's clothes too. Everyone had to run across the street to get underwear from the underwear shop (wow I can't believe I'm actually saying this). When everyone got their underwear Apilde went over to get some too. He found a hate message about him in there. Everyone in the class blamed poor Apilde for the attack. Then he went to the hospital.

    (I almost became lucid here because I contemplated that hollow point grenades don't exist, but I brushed it off quickly after).

    Afterward I left him to go do other things.

    I'm in the hallway of my apartment building now. Apparently most of my friends live here now. We all chill out at one place for a bit, but then quickly transition to another apartment. But the person who owned the other apartment only allowed a certain amount of people and didn't let me in.

    There's a scene change. I'm at some sort of friendly sports game, the kind that you play if you ever go to summer camp. But these people are of all different ages and I barely know any of them. The only game I can remember (actually I think it was the only game there) was a bicycle race.

    At first I see some other people do it. One girl fell off her bike.

    "You know what you need to do." One of the student coaches call out to her, apparently there's a penalty game.

    The coach walks up to the girl and they both start making out (my kind of sports games!).

    I decide I want to go on the next race. What I find out quickly is that if you anger one of the coaches (and sometimes they just get angry for no reason) they'll downgrade your tricycle to a unicycle. I was downgraded to unicycle very quickly.

    The race begins and I'm kicking ass (apparently a unicycle is my thing) and beating everyone else. I see the finish line, then my vision gets dark, like I've closed my eyes, I cant see a thing! I try opening them and see the inside of my apartment building. I'm waking up! I shut my eyes. I can still feel and hear everything going on in the dream I just lost my sight. I try to concentrate and it comes back to me. I fall of my unicycle, theres no way I can get back on. I pick it up and run (screw the rules I'm dreaming!).

    I slide down onto the finish line. I think I was third or fourth. I see my friend, Kevin. I go up to him (oh yeah, it's winter now for some reason). While we talk about stuff I see a sign with Apilde's name on it. It says he came in 10th place (he never even participated but okay!). It brings a smile to my face. Then I remember something.
    I was waking up a second ago! I'm dreaming! I tell Kevin.

    "Hey Kevin, you know this is a dream right?" I ask him.


    "Yeah this is dream."

    "That's not possible."

    "Why not?" I ask.

    "If this is a dream, then why am I dreaming too?" (I think he means why are we in the same dream together).

    I don't have the heart to tell him he's just a projection of my subconscious so I give him the benefit of the doubt and say, "I don't know." (I'm very polite to my DCs ).

    We walk into his house which happens to be on the grounds. I decide to do something cool. I call to Kevin.

    "Hey Kevin watch this."

    I use telekinesis to close the door. I've never done it before and it feels really cool. I try to open it too but I can't get a good grip on the handle, so I just open it up and play with the door some more. (By the way, it seems that when I walked through the door I teleported to a different location. Now I'm on the first floor of my apartment building, where my friend Mansoor now lives).

    One of Mansoor's relatives (relatives he doesn't have) come up to me. He pushes the door and pretends to close the door with telekinesis, trying to mock me (I should of telekinetically bitch slapped him in the face DX).
    I start losing lucidity at this moment. I look in the living room. There's a HORRENDOUS song playing on the tv. It was one of the worst things I've ever seen my subconscious put together. I rather not talk about it. Afterward we sit down to eat at the table. Then my cousin shows up, and I wake up.

    Well telekinesis, that's new. Gotta test that out for Operation: Ghost. I tried to think about Operation: Ghost before bed, and I watched a crap ton of freddiew vids, to no avail. It seems when I become lucid I just focus on one small thing instead of the bigger picture. Oh well, it'll just take practice. But telekinesis is cool !

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    lucid , non-lucid


    1. insideout's Avatar
      In a recent lucid dream I met a friend and I said to her that she was dreaming, rather than wording it in such a way to suggest that she wasn't real. But she didn't seem to care.