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    A series of dreams from last night.

    by , 02-19-2011 at 06:59 PM (698 Views)
    First dream: Shot in the head, ouch!
    I'm riding a horse through these beautiful woods. There was a handsome dandy-looking british soldier who was sitting behind me. I have jet black straight hair that was cut straight a ways below my shoulders. I think i was indian. We get to this cliff like area and we look over through the trees. There's this beautiful waterfall that goes down into a river and crossing this river were soldiers, dressed slightly different. We're scared. I think they see us. We run back to our horse but there's already someone over there on his horse. It's a soldier dressed in dark blue and he's shooting at us. My soldier pulls out his gun and shoots at the man in blue. The man in blue shoots him in the face and my soldier falls down dead. Now i'm shooting at him but i run out of bullets. I don't quite comprehend this though and i continue to try and shoot this man. I'm basically hiding behind my horse and he behind his. I guess he thinks i still have bullets somewhere.
    All of a sudden i bend down to pick up a different gun. BLAM the dude shoots me in the top of my head. So i'm not dead. I somehow survive this, i don't know how fucked up i am. I put my hand on top of my head and i feel a flap of skull that is slightly raised. I push it down and keep my hand on top of my head. The blood starts to pour and stuff that i hope is not my brains. I can't see because the blood is all over in my eyes.
    I wake up.

    Second dream: Pharaoh's son.
    I'm in this palace that almost looks egyptian. It is made of marble or something and there are pillars. Apart from the pillars the only thing in this room is a fireplace looking area that has a carved black jackal over it. Someone is attacking the palace and i MUST save the pharaoh's son. I'm young myself, too, we're both about 10 years old, maybe i'm 12. Both the pharaoh's son and I know that there's a secret passage through the fireplace that leads clear out of the palace. We sneak inside the fireplace and start to crawl, it's very tiny and we barely fit. It is SO GROSS. there's dust and bugs everywhere. We are so scared we're going to be caught. We make it out of the palace alive.
    Fast forward like 1000 years. There's these anthropologists or something in the palace. Everything looks different. I think i'm a ghost. They can't see me, but they are wondering how the pharaoh's son escaped. I try to tell them through the fireplace, but they can't hear me.
    I wake up.

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    Updated 03-08-2011 at 07:41 PM by 41207



    1. The Sandman's Avatar
      I would love to see your dreams made into movies--nonsequitors and all. People get that in a dream. You have a wild imagination!
    2. Zealot's Avatar
      thanks, i don't know how interesting the movies would be, but thanks on the comment of my imagination. I actually don't write down half the dreams i have in one night. I usually have about 5 or 6.
    3. The Sandman's Avatar
      I think the movies would be great. Even some of my dumb dreams would be could on screen. The whole idea is that you don't have to suspend disbelief. Regardless how ridiculous a dream is, or how outlandish, it really happened in your dream.

      It would doubtfully ever happen anyway, but I still love the idea. I think people would be interested in something like that. How many things can you think of that are possible today, but haven't been done?

      You should write all your dreams down. Well, you should do whatever you want to do, but...
    4. Zealot's Avatar
      nah way too many, it'd clog up everything and a lot of my dreams are stupid and pointless. I just write down the ones i like. Well i don't record the ones with my dc anymore, though those ones are the most important to me.
    5. The Sandman's Avatar
      OK, that's true. Sometimes my dreams are pointless also. So, why not share the ones with DC's? That seems like odd criterion to disqualify a dream's entry into your journal. It makes someone think about what's going on with your DC's...and all the more reason I want to read. That is both a joke and serious if that's possible.
    6. Zealot's Avatar
      Of course that's possible! especially to a discordian pope, such as myself.

      Maybe i'll post the ones with my dc. i dunno.