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    Two Dreams

    by , 03-08-2011 at 09:32 PM (847 Views)
    blue=dream green=lucid


    I lay down in my bed. I do a reality check; it doesn't work. I kick my legs up and they float slowly down. "I must be dreaming," I think. I suddenly can't move. I rub my hands together, and it doesn't work. I try spinning, and it doesn't work. I lick the roof of my mouth with my tongue, and suddenly everything becomes clearer and I can move again. I wake up, then quickly fall back asleep.

    My brother is playing a game. He pulls some weird trident out of a wall. You get a score depending on how fast you pull it out of the wall. He gets 5,130,016 exactly (don't ask me how I remember this) He tries again, and this time he gets 5,130,030. This unlocks some sort of secret challenge where you have to swordfight Toshi from american dad. The fight is insanely tough and he loses. Cut to another guy hacking this game. He pulls the trident out in like 2 seconds and goes wins the fight very quickly. I wake up.

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    1. chriswannell's Avatar
      What reality checks did you do? Also are you sure that when you woke up it wasn't a false awakening?