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    Haunting nightmares

    by , 12-30-2011 at 12:41 AM (776 Views)
    Terrifying. Disturbing. Erie. These words describe the nightmares I've been having over the last month or so. Some times I see it when I'm awake.
    These... images keep tearing at my sanity. It's like a sickness, the longer I have it, the worse it gets. I see shapes, patterns, like some kind of language clouding my vision like thick fog. On the other side of the static-y shapes are flashes of images, like a memory fragment, though, it's past the point of terrifying.
    Monsters, no, demons. Demons that possess the bodies of the dead and transform and consume the living.
    My movement is paralyzed. I try to run, but don't have to because all the demons do is surround me as to keep me from running.
    The next thing I know, I see a good friend of mine approach me. This doesn't sound bad, but they died about five years ago. But they look like they didn't stop aging.
    She killed herself via wrist slice, but she's got dried blood around her mouth and down her cheeks like she cried blood.
    She grabs my throat and an iron grip begins choking me. As her grip begins to tighten I see this pillar thing that's in kind of a spiral formation that speaks to me from the souls of thousands of deceased.
    By now I awake, sweating profusely and panting heavily. The rest of the night is one spent without sleep.
    When I say I see the nightmare while I'm awake I see her and the pattern things. When I see them I get an enormous migraine in every inch of head. I'm seriously going to seek therapy if this continues to get worse.
    XxLHYxX likes this.

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    1. redisreddish's Avatar
      Wow. That's awful... I know it's not going to be much help now, but at least you know about lucid dreaming, and you can try to practice. Then if this happens in the future you might be able to combat it. As for now, I don't know what to tell you. I wish all of our group had more classes together, then we could all do stupid stuff to take your mind off it.
      Dekaron likes this.
    2. Deltair4's Avatar
      This sounds so familiar to the types of dreams i have. Maybe it will relieve you like it has me to know that you aren't the only one who is tortured by these demon infested dreams. I've learned from these dreams that they come from a source in your life that you may have fallen back on, or maybe you got stuck somewhere in your path. I am merely speaking from my self experience, and yes, it took some time to figure out what the cause was. To be honest, there are some cases in which i cannot find a cause. These dreams are truly terrifying, and to this day, as i still have them, they do a wonderful job of tugging at my sanity. They are haunting, a cold, eerie, disease that seem to stay imprinted in my mind. Redisreddish is right, try and combat it. Not as easy done as it is said, but in every way, it is possible. -Ali