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    Sand Cloud and Reptile Person

    by , 03-09-2012 at 02:50 AM (637 Views)
    Dream One Non-Lucid
    I was at my school's blacktop, talking to my friends. I look off into the distance and see a big red cloud heading to the school. The whistle blows for us to go back inside, so I stand up and walk to the 8th grade hall instead of the gym. I walk through the hallway until I find a window to see outside. The cloud that I saw was almost in front of the window, but what was keeping it away was that it turned into sand when it came too close. I walked back outside to see this happening clearer, and watched the sand fall out of the air. This is what the whole dream was, but it was very long.

    Also, I had another dream about the same cloud at the school, but it was in a different place. I will not post it though

    Dream Two Non-Lucid
    I was walking up the road beside of my house with a cat. I was thinking to myself, and sometimes looking at the cat to see if it was still walking with me. Suddenly a green reptile/human thing walked out onto the road. The cat that was beside me ran to it to examine it for that I felt that it had bad intentions. I watched the cat carefully to make sure nothing happened to it, but I was too far away when the reptile cut the cat's head off with his spikes on his tail. (Dream Skip) I am now in a bus with Joel, the reptile person (Who's human side is a friend from school named Kaleb), and I. We were all talking casually, as if nothing happened. I can't remember what we were talking about, but every time Joel or I would disagree, he would bring up the spikes on his tail as if threatening to kill us. I wasn't scared by this (I seem never to be scared in my dreams ) and I could tell that Joel wasn't either. This was unusual for him so I looked at him, curious. I saw that he had a switch that turned on and off his pain. The switch was on off, and for some reason I switched it on. Next thing I know, Kaleb lashed his tail at Joel and killed him. I looked over to Kaleb, and saw that he had a gun in his mouth with a pun on it. I laughed at the pun, but then he killed himself. I then woke up.
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    Tags: reptile


    1. Saizo's Avatar
      Perhaps your Dream Guide was trying to tell you that Kaleb really is a reptile in human costume, lol.
      RacyBiscuit likes this.