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    A beautiful death On the Golden Gate Bridge

    by , 05-16-2012 at 06:49 PM (717 Views)
    I was waiting for a taxi under a freeway. I know this place, my friend lives near this Freeway. The taxi arrives and i get in the car. The man driving looked familiar, he was a European transfer from my school. I don't talk to him much but i see him around a lot.i didn't tell him where to take me, but he just start to drive as if he already knew where i wanted to be. We soon start to drive---he turns to enter the freeway. Going up the ramp i realize the setting has changed, we are on the Golden Gate Bridge (I live in SF). The scary part is that the bridge was coming to an end. When i realize that, the taxi driver speeds up. I start to clinch my seat, and of course that roller coaster feeling absorbs my stomach. We fly off and start to fall towards the sea. I notice the sunset---it was very orange. The sea was very blue and sparkly. There is music playing in in the background. I can hear it get louder as i get closer to death. It sounded like a weeping woman in the opera.

    in then I wake up

    Allahu Ekbar

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    1. NewZealand's Avatar
      wow what a nightmare!
      Very interesting though, out of everyone in your life, the kinda random exchange student is the one driving you to your death!
      wonder what its trying to say......