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    Dream Log 5-30-2012 Exploring and Testing

    by , 05-30-2012 at 06:13 PM (590 Views)
    I went to bed around 12am. I was slightly sleep deprived from previous night. Last meal was at 7pm

    Last Dream before waking. Around 9:40 am.
    I was around a market area and zombies were roaming. I had to find a car to drive so we searched for proper cars to use. I think a dude from school was there and some more people. I noticed I was dreaming so I looked at my feet to increase lucidity. I remembered some of my dream goals so I accomplished two on the spot. I levitated and teleported a short distance within my view.

    I was then teleoported to a school area where I saw a lot of people who I at one point went to school with. I saw a room with some girls in it. I told everyone except one girl to leave. She did not want to stay but another girl who I could of hooked up with back in high school did. So I I grabbed her and we left the building. I asked her what she wanted to do. She said fly and so I grabbed her and we took flight. I could not fly that far so i eneded up decending to the ground. I took off again and this time we ended up in albercoucie new mexico. We went through a rich neighborhood/ school area. We explored a large building. After a bit, eventually I told her I had to leave her because I had to do some dream exploration on my own. I went into a back laundry room and tried to close the door. She wanted me to hug her before I left so I did and she was really sad. Then I closed the door again. This time I decided to accomplish another objective which was to hit up a previously decided building. I had somehthing in my hand and I used it to draw a portal on a door.I drew a portal and I wrote the name of the building which was my creation. I the walked through it newly created portal. There was a small transition period sort of like a click. I then ended up in the building which was modeled after my grand parents house. (Check notes at bottom for explanation of this.)
    I awoke shortly after exploring the building.

    ****Side Notes
    -From what I can see, my subby needed to create a building that had many rooms. My grandparents house was a house that had many rooms that I was familiar with. Hence my grandparents house was created.
    -I will in the future create or find and familiarize myself with the appearance structure and lay out of buildings which I want to modify or use for a purpose beforehand so that they can better suit my needs.
    -I should better assess and figure out my best time period for going lucid
    +This morning it was about 9hrs after I went to bed

    ****Goals accomplished
    -Go Lucid
    -Teleport short distance(within site)
    -Create a portal
    -Visit a place of my choosing

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    Updated 05-30-2012 at 06:15 PM by 50553

    lucid , dream fragment , side notes


    1. bennettb6's Avatar
      Never heard of looking at your feet to increase lucidity. Cool stuff.
    2. tomcruise's Avatar
      I have a question ?
      Is the dreamviewer is the software of this website ?
      The software is really amazing ! :)