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    How to Utterly Fail at Making Portals 5/31/2012

    by , 06-02-2012 at 09:08 AM (1141 Views)
    Ever since I have began my lucid dreaming journey, a journey which was in large part a result of my reading the dream journal of Hyu "http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/hyu/" I have longed to experience some of the amazing things which were, apparently, happening to my fellow DV members. Well, a few nights ago I had my chance.

    My dream starts in a city shrouded in a constant fog. The thing that I remember most from before I gained my lucidity was the smell. It was that strange mix of decaying garbage and industrial pollutants unique to the slums of a thousand cities. My non-lucid self was wandering this city in search of something which eludes me now. I eventually had the good fortune to look up into the sky, as soon as I did, I gained lucidity from the mother of all reality checks. Note to self: if the moon has a face then either A-you are playing Majora's Mask or B- you are dreaming. Once I gained my lucidity I immediately began to more thoroughly survey my surroundings. The city appeared to be a steampunk meets bladerunner version of New York. Having looked around I immediately began to try to exercise some of my lucid abilities. I succeeded in a few minor telekinetic feats, such as knocking the hats off of a few DC's. "BTW if someone ever responds to you knocking their hat their head by telling you :Thank you sir, that hat made me look like a pretentious prick, you are probably dreaming." I quickly grew bored of telekinesis and decided to see what else I could do. With no real goal in mind I raised my hand above my head and snapped my fingers. What happened next is a memory which I shall carry for the rest of my days, with a snap of my fingers I had changed the very night sky itself. All of the stars had changed position and color. I saw stars blink out of existence and other, new stars, take their place. I saw whole galaxies simply appear out of nothingness, and spiral into impossible shapes. As you can probably imagine I was entertained by this for quite a while, I stood in place and snapped my fingers repeatably and just stared at the sky. I eventually had my fill of watching the stars and decided that it was time for me to try something a little more challenging. I have never succeeded in making a portal to anywhere in a dream and was initially at a loss for a destination, then it hit me. I was going to try to make a portal to Terraluna. It seemed rather appropriate that the location that inspired my lucid journey would be the first place where I would teleport to. I stared at the spot on the cobbled pavement where I wanted the portal to appear and focused on the idea of terraluna, on the image that I had formed from reading Hyu's journal. I began to speak out loud the command "take me to terraluna". Over and over, I repeated the command and as I did so the spot where I was focusing on began to smoke, then the beginnings of a black portal took shape over the pavement. I repeated my chant over and over with increasing conviction, but, to my dismay the portal wasn't stable. In the end my portal collapsed with a crack. I had failed to create the portal that I had been so intent on creating, but I had managed to create a very pretty black scorch mark on the ground. It looked like one of those mystic circles which have become so popular in anime and games in recent years. I was preparing to try again when I was woken by my alarm going off. I had failed in my attempt.

    This isn't over. I am going to get stronger, develop my technique, and try again. No matter what it takes I am getting to Terraluna.
    Lunatide and Belle like this.

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    1. mettw's Avatar
      Wow! If I ever have a dream like that one I will be very happy indeed. The first thing I will try if I manage to get lucid is flying - I did that in a non-lucid dream once and it was the most amazing thing I have every experienced.
    2. Bladinus's Avatar
      Wow! If I ever have a dream like that one I will be very happy indeed. The first thing I will try if I manage to get lucid is flying - I did that in a non-lucid dream once and it was the most amazing thing I have every experienced.

      Yeah, there really is nothing quite like flight. Next time you get the chance you ought to try to do a ninety-degree turn at a thousand miles an hour. It's so liberating.