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    A BUNCH of dreams

    by , 07-23-2010 at 09:39 PM (424 Views)
    Well, I'm new to the site, so I'm assuming that this is what the dream journals are for.

    I don't usually remember my dreams. If I'm lucky, I remember 2 a month. I am, and have been aware of what dream journals are for, for a long time, and when I've actually thought to try them, I've had results. I've just never made doing so into a habit. Gonna try and change that this time.

    Last couple days I've been actively trying to remember my dreams once I woke up, with varied results.

    July 22nd - 1st: I was in some kind of office building, I believe. I was working there whereever it was. Everyone else took off for some reason, and someone came in. Customer, or an applicant or something. Went upstairs, down a hallway that was colored in beiges. Went past an office marked "Robin DeSantis" and looked inside, expecting everything to be crazier than it was (My subconcious seems to have misspelled the last name of a character from the webcomic Shortpacked) and found that everyone else was in a meeting room. I remembered that I should have been in there, went in, and learned that we were supposed to write a test now based on whatever they'd been talking about. I decided that because I wasn't there for the talk, I shouldn't bother with the test, and told my boss that the person was downstairs waiting. He got pissed at me for making the guy wait, and left the room. Which is when I woke up.

    I remember there were more details than that, there was stuff happening downstairs before everyone left, but I lost those before I started trying to remember.

    2nd: I remember having remembered a second dream, but now I can't for the life of me remember what it was, which is frustrating, because I had more details for it than the office one. Bah.

    July 23rd- 1st: Me and two other people were in some spooky old house. Old and mansioney, dark blue lighting, huge bookshelves, candelabra wall sconces. Something out of a Casper comic. We were looking for a book of doom or something similar, but for whatever reason couldn't find it. I forget if it was me or someone else who was holding it, but we had the book, but couldn't read the summoning spell we had come to find. A ghost was in the room with us, scoffed at us for not being able to read it, and said "Try getting an education." Dream ended.

    2nd: My wife Jen, our friends Brandon and William, and I were playing Smash Brothers on the Wii. The game started and after a few moments, I had knocked everyone out of the ring. I was beating everyone up using Pikachu as my character, but then when the game suddenly ended (I realized we hadn't changed the match rules from being on a timer) Jen had won, for actually KOing the most players, rather than just causing lost of damage as I was doing. I was a little annoyed, and went in to change the settings from timer to the lives-per-person mode, but found that I couldn't remember where to do that. Dream ended.

    3rd: Jen, my parents, my Aunt Anne, my cousins Scott, Sean, Vanessa, Sarah, and I were all inexplicably in my old VW Rabbit convertible. We were driving along a bridge that takes you into Seattle, although it was apparently in California, as we were going to Disneyland. As we got there, there were tons of cars trying to turn into the road that went into DL, and apparently went through it's underground parking facility. I remember thinking it would take us forever to get there because of how many cars were there, and so I turned on the radio, with the soundtrack of the Disneyland Esplanade (the section between the two parks) going. I thought I should turn it down a bit because the top was down and other motorists might be annoyed with the music. Never did though, as we immediately afterwards were in some underground area, the car was stopped, and some of us were walking around. Each of us had to fill out some paperwork before being allowed into Disneyland. Something like immigration papers. I thought someone else should fill mine out for me since I was the driver, and apparently was too busy driving the car that I wasn't even currently in. Vanessa and Sarah had gone around the corner and up the path, and I wondered what they were doing up there. Dream ended.

    4th. Jen and I were either watching a movie, or we were at some kind of renaissance faire type place. Pretty sure we were watching a movie though. There was some kind of fair going on, with a pirate ship like ride in the background, lots of tents and vendors, and one of the buildings had a string of moving lights around the top of it (where the lights flash in a pattern that makes it look like they're going around the string) We were complaining about the historical accuracy of having electric lights in a medieval themed movie or fair or whatever, and then Jen complained about the accuracy of the music we were hearing. That it should have sounded crappier. I listed to it, and stated that I heard a violin, an accordion, and a tuba or a bassoon or something. Something bassey. We went over to the where the music was coming from, despite us not actually being there, and I noted that I'd forgotten to mention the percussion. There were 3 people there with big bass drums strapped to their chest, and the music had stopped. Heath Ledger came forward from the group and thanked everyone for coming to see his performance of a Knight's Tale. As we walked away, Jen said that she'd forgotten he was in that movie, and I thought, but didn't mention, that I felt sorry for them for having hired him to do the part in this performance, when he's dead. Dream ended.

    I had woken up after each dream, and there were a few I've forgotten entirely, despite having tried to remember them all. In between a few of the dreams, I did that thing where you think about the dream, and continue it in your head. Where it's like you're writing the rest of the dream until you fall back asleep and continue it. I can't remember any of what I was doing then though. Just that I was.

    Hopefully I'll have more to write about tommorrow.

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    1. cydonia1978's Avatar
      That is so freaky cool that we both dreamed about Disneyland and "fair" like settings last night! We should definitely keep up our journals.. I wonder how often we'll find shared dream elements between us! (reference for those reading our journals/comments, this is my husband.. hehe)