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    Getting mail at a game store, and beating up the mob

    by , 07-31-2010 at 04:24 PM (344 Views)
    Had another dream or two today, after over a week.

    First off, I was in some mall. Not one I recognized. I knew that I was wandering about buying time before Jen was done whatever she was doing. Walked into a game store of indeterminate brand, said hi to the employee who greeted me at the door, a guy maybe 18 with mild acne and scraggly hair. There was a big box shaped display of discount games on the right when you walk in the door, and the front and left sides of said box were covered in mostly wii games. Looked at the front, then over to the left, before going back to the front as I thought something had caught my eye.

    At that point, the display was further into the store, and I looked back and over towards the counter, which was along the front wall but opposite from the entrance. I can't remember how, but I got into a bit of conversation with the girl who was behind the counter right then, about the Nintendo 3DS. However my subconcious was apparently mixing that up with the Iphone 4G, as I stumbled over my words trying to explain how I might not be able to upgrade to the new one, as I've only got a 3DS, err, no, 3D. (My DS is one of the originals, and my phone's a 3G, not 3GS.) She asked if I wanted to try out the 3DS to see what it was like, pulled out a detail sheet or 8x11 display stand or something, then went off into the back to get one of them.

    In the meantime, another girl was behind the counter, going through the store's mail, and handing me boxes of my mail that had come in. And by my mail, I mean mail for my dad's business that I was apparently in charge of getting and bringing back to him. The box contained an assortment of things, such as a filled out check, a blank checkbook, a few smaller boxes of who knows what, some paper work, etc. She handed me another box from her pile, which I looked at for a moment before the first girl came out from the back, grabbed an envelope or something, said "Whoops, that's mine" giggled, and went to the back again.

    The second dream, and I felt for some reason that the two were connected, involved me for some reason going after a guy who was the son of a mobster. The street I was on had what I seemed to think was a restaurant, and then the next building on it's right (if facing from the street) was a house that I can not picture. On the lawn was a pile of large box shaped objects that seemed straight out of the game Minecraft. He was by the pile when I ran up to him.

    We fought briefly, and then when I had him knocked to the ground, I put a brick on top of him, got up onto the boxes, and used a plate dispenser that dropped square cement plates that were like 3ft x 3ft by 2 inches thick onto whatever square I was targeting. I just needed to be close enough to him to drop them. I dropped one, which looked like it hurt and kept him pinned to the ground. I tried to drop another one, but discovered that it wouldn't drop two in the same place. I scurried down the pile and cleared the bricks off him. Got back up onto the pile, trying to choose a high enough location that it'd really hurt, but without moving far enough away that I couldn't target him anymore. I found a spot after a couple of tries, and dropped another one. It didn't seem to do anything though, so I figured I'd already dealt enough damage that it wouldn't accumulate any further, and that's where the dream ended.


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