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    Starting my journal!

    by , 10-18-2012 at 09:29 PM (535 Views)
    Hello everyone, in case you didn't guess from my username, I'm Zach! I'm a total beginner, and am just starting to record my dreams. I had them written in a journal irl, but I've decided I really like this website along with the community, so I'm going to type up my dreams from now on.

    So I was in my house, in the living room. One of my older brothers friends pulled up in a car. I hopped in and we drove off. As we start making progress down the road, my older bro's friend starts calling more people to pick up. Cool, sounds like a party. We pulled around a street corner, and the car is suddenly full of people. When we take the turn, a someone pulls in front of us. But it's not a car, it's one of my irl friends on a scooter (weird right?) moving along with the cars. Although my dream self accepted this, everyone in the car all thought it was weird. We starting making comments about this person, some of them nice and some of them rude. The whole time everyone is commenting, I don't say a single word, even though I know this person very well in real life and could easily chip in to the conversation. While I'm watching my friend scooter down the road, everyone disappears. I'm now at a totally different section of road, one near my house. The inside of the car has gone from the junky interior of a high schoolers hand-me-down, to a luxurious leather seated, expensive looking car. Everyone in the car who was previously there is now gone, with the exception of the original driver. Now, up in the front of the car is one of the teachers at my school, who happens to be my homeroom teacher. Although I don't know him to well, he is that teacher that everyone loves, and I have heard countless stories about him. He makes a comment about the guy on the scooter, even though he's long out of sight.

    This is where things get a little foggy, but I have recollection of what happened later on in the dream.

    We continued driving, and the random people I didn't recognize from before were back in the car. I remember looking out the window and seeing a swamp. (The swamp looked outrageously familiar. I believe it has been in many dreams in the past, but it hasn't been in one since I've started recording my dreams. I can't associate any memories to it, other than its distinctive look) Later on down the road, I see old worn down buildings. Eventually, we arrive at a field of wheat. I exclaim to my dream 'buddies' that I've been here, and that one time I went all the way down the field. However, this field is a little different than one of real life. The wheat was absolutely massive. Very tall, and far off in the distance on top of rolling hills. We started walking toward the field. This is when everyone disappeared, being replaced by my dad and my little brother (don't worry, I'm not going to keep bringing random brothers into this, I only have 2, an older and a younger ). The pleasant looking field has also turned into a desert. The wheat is still there, but is now thin and not as abundant. And now, the wheat is not golden, but a dull green similar to that of a corn stalk. As we're walking, I pick up a piece of wheat and begin to play with it. However, when we get up close to it, it changes form (could I even consider it wheat anymore?! lol), and the group of seeds that is normally at the top of wheat is now gone, and is replaced by very thick and stiff leaves that protrude from the bottom of the green stalk. As I'm looking down and playing with it, my little brother starts getting upset, sad about losing his bathing suit. When I look up, inside-out bathing suits are suspending themselves in the air all around the desert. This is when I wake up.
    gab and Skygerobrian like this.

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    1. Skygerobrian's Avatar
      I thought the transforming wheat and inside out bathing suits were neat. Good luck on the lucid.
      Zach113 likes this.