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    Sleeping at work

    by , 03-19-2013 at 03:39 PM (549 Views)
    I went to work as usual and instead of working I decided to turn the lights off and go to sleep in the evs breakroom in my dream. I woke up in my dream in some kind of bedroom on the other side of the room. I was in a bed then and a white and ashy colored kitten jumped on the bed with me. I pet it for a little while and it got up and ran off I remember naming the kitten polar. (Hmm, maybe this if my dream sign??)

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    1. Matte87's Avatar
      I take it that you're a big cat fan Things that are common in our lives are often common in dreams too. I'd make cats my dream sign if I were you. Perhaps you could ask yourself if you're dreaming or not whenever a cat is looking at you?
    2. Charleslewis606's Avatar
      I have been trying to ld for a couple of months here and maybe you could help me out with something, While Im dreaming i always take what i see for what it is .. Ill try your suggestion about asking myself that anytime my cat's look at me ,, But say if that were to carry over into my dream with me, Would i even notice and question my surrounding's?? Either way do you have any tips on becoming more aware in your dream's?? Thanks for any help
    3. Matte87's Avatar
      Awareness is the key and if you don't think much about the fact that you're awake and try it out every now and then, why would you do so in a dream? Even though the logical centre of the brain is almost completely shut down when we're dreaming (that's why we accept very weird stuff and where dream logic comes in) we still behave in a similar way to when we're awake. Routines and such carry over to the dream.

      Start doing some RC's and question your reality every now and then and I promise you that you'll do the same in a dream. I've also found that MILD works great for me. I only visualize becoming lucid when I'm going to bed and repeat "I'm dreaming" in my head a few times and it carries over into the dream, almost like magic.
    4. Charleslewis606's Avatar
      Ok cool , that clears up some questions. Im going to keep up with the reality checks and put more focus on them , I have never tried the MILD but ill start infusing that into my sleep habits. Thank you