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    Lucid dreaming~

    by , 05-05-2013 at 12:43 AM (557 Views)
    I've decided to really try to have more lucid dreams. A while back I had one where I jumped from my bedroom window and flew down my street and thought 'wow' so I googled it and found more about it, but then sort of forgot.

    I watched Inception the other week and that reminded me, so I have been keeping a dream journal since then. I normally remember my dreams quite well, and can go into loads of detail about dreams that I had years ago. But I read that it can help to notice dream signs and other such things.

    Anyway, the reason for me joining this site tonight is due to the (almost) lucid dream I had last night, out of nowhere. I had sort of forgotten about trying to have one until now.

    What happened in the dream was that I was at some sort of prom/dance type event. Unfortunately I didn't write it down, so I don't really have all the details (I'll get back to that). In the end of the dream, I believe the host was fuming at me because I wore a purple and white dress, which I wasn't supposed to, since she was the only one allowed to wear that combination, and my dress was similar in pattern. Throughout the dream, if I ever saw myself in a reflective surface, I appeared as an old woman. I knew that no one else saw me this way (I don't know how I knew, but I did). At the end of the dream I went to a bathroom and caught sight of myself in a mirror again, looking old as ever when I thought "Hey, this isn't right. I'm not old. This must be a dream!" And then I looked at my left hand and my ring finger was missing. At this point I must have got excited, because everything started to spin and muddle up, and before my hand touched to rub them together I was lying awake in my bed. Well, I'm not actually sure I was awake. It may have been a false awakening. I checked, and all my fingers were there, but when I woke up for real it seemed a dream. Also, I thought I had written it down, but when I woke up properly, it wasn't in my notepad. Not sure what happened, but lets hope I have a real lucid dream sometime soon!

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    1. Scionox's Avatar
      Yo and welcome to dreamviews!
      If you were aware that you were dreaming, even for a split second, it's lucid dream, so congrats!
      It's quite common for novices to wake up due to excitement, but don't worry the more lucid dreams you will have, the less it will be the case.
      Also i suggest to make reality check each time you wake up, it helps to catch those false awakenings and turn them into lucid dreams.
      Good luck on the next lucid!
    2. Bryde's Avatar
      thankyou! I'll be sure to check everytime I wake up; I just wish there was a foolproof way to induce a lucid dream everytime!
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