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    The Fellow Dreamer

    by , 07-16-2013 at 05:28 AM (493 Views)
    This is from a few years ago but it's one of my first and most vivid lucid dreams so I figured it'd make for a good first entry.
    [Non-Lucid / Lucid]

    The dream started out in a grocery store, I was putting on masks and going up to the manager pretending to be other employees so I could pick up their checks, for some reason wearing a mask of a person made me look just like that person. I got a couple checks before someone realized what I was doing, I think it was because they saw me remove one mask and put on another, they started chasing me through the store, I got out of the store and the person chasing me disappeared. I ran out into the parking lot and it looked like the Kroger (a grocery store) I used to live by, after I got out to the lot I instantly realized I was dreaming. It was the middle of fall and I started walking down the sidewalk by the road, I don't remember seeing any cars on the road or any people along the sidewalk. After a little while of walking I realized there was a girl around my age with long black hair walking beside me, neither of us were surprised when we noticed the other so we just kept walking together. Eventually we just started talking about random stuff, just a bit of small talk, at one point we instantly went from walking along the sidewalk to sitting at the top of some bleachers that were on the side of the road facing the street, for some reason everything around us was flooded, including some of the lower seats of the bleachers. We were watching cars and other stuff float by and laughing about some of the things we saw pass. After a little while we were instantly back walking down the street again (the water was gone) and we continued talking, things were changing as we walked, seasons were passing, leaves were falling and being blown around the sidewalk and random objects were appearing and disappearing all over the place around us but we ignored it, we eventually came up to a house that looked like the one from the Simpsons, I knew in the dream that it was "my house" though. We stopped in front of it and she turned to me and said "It's too bad I'm asleep." which really surprised me, I said I was sleeping too and she seemed a bit surprised, I tried to write down my phone number to hand to her but I kept having trouble, I could tell I was close to waking up and the numbers kept were moving and changing as I wrote, I did my best and handed it to her. I walked inside and a bunch of characters from the Simpsons were in the middle of something big in crazy in the living room, they called after me but I kept going, I went up the stairs directly in front of the door I entered from. I went up to "my room" and stood there for a second before looking up and noticing a large hole in the ceiling with light shining through, I looked at it for a second and a piece of paper slowly floated down and landed in my hand, it had a phone number and the words call me on it, after reading it I immediately woke up.

    Unfortunately I couldn't remember more then half the number after waking up.
    Wigl666 likes this.

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    lucid , memorable


    1. Wigl666's Avatar
      That is a awesome dream, congrats! I wonder if you did got the all number, the person that owns that number in reallity would be the girl in the dream ....
    2. Azuyre's Avatar
      Yeah, it would have been pretty interesting if I had managed to remember the whole number.