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    by , 08-30-2013 at 03:23 PM (396 Views)
    So, I play a LOT of Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombies. Last night I had a dream that my boyfriend, my cousins, his sister, and some Chinese chick were all in a house together, and we were hiding from some zombies, when the first zombie came out a big siren was heard, and I looked up and there were 5 red-ish moons super close to the earth, and some were smaller, and some were bigger, and they had huge craters in them. So my boyfriend and I ran to the house and locked ourselves up in a concrete and steel room, with small doors to get in, and with many locks on the doors, we stayed in there with everyone until the Chinese woman started to turn, so we ran out, she chased us to a pool, and she bit someone, the other woman who was bit tried to say she didn't get bit and was crying and trying to follow me, but her eyes started to change colors, and my boyfriend and I ran back home, my cousins were fast asleep in their rooms, and that's how I wanted it to stay. I didn't want them to see all of this. My bf and I went into the living room and tried to lock the doors, but they wouldn't lock for anything. We had many windows and glass doors. And it was daylight and this little zombie boy started running at my house, and i'm not sure what happened next. But little details in the dream was that when we heard the siren we were at a gas station buying candy, and we ran home. In the steel and concrete room there were lots of shelves and food and stuff. I wonder how that woman just turned when she was never bitten. Why were the moons red and super close, and why were there more than one? It was crazy.

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    non-lucid , memorable


    1. Lightcaster's Avatar
      Sounds like an interesting dream. I have had dreams with that sort of setting, but nothing ever came. I was always just waiting for something. Usually alone.