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    My first successful wild!!!!!!!

    by , 10-16-2013 at 10:08 PM (474 Views)
    Okay, so it was late, I had been trying every two hours of sleep or so to WILD, unsuccessfully. But, around 3:30 am, I had my waterslide dream (previously posted in my DJ) and realized that this REM cycle was very vivid and perfect for a WILD. So, I tried again. I got very tired and began to see lights and orbs floating through my vision, and the next thing I know, I'm standing on the steps in my house. The first thing I did (since my mind is clouded with sex until I get it out of the way) was ask my sister Karen for her friend Alexis' number so I could call her down and have sex with her. She wouldn't give it to me, so I walked around the house and found this girl Rayshell who I then got to perform oral sex on me. IT was fine at first, but then I saw this waaay hotter girl from school - Alexandria, and I looked at my penis and made it grow (like 2 feet long!) and then got her to perform oral. After a while, my brother Erin came along and saw me, and I didn't care until he said: "I do that all the time.... I'm wilding right now too... we're sharing a dream right now." I didn't know if it was true or not (it wasn't) but either way I stopped. I went to my bathroom and began trying to make my penis grow even more, but I failed and, in dissapoinment, woke up.

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    1. Shrek's Avatar
      lmao thats hilarious
    2. DreamInPeace's Avatar
      @cloudlesssky I know, right? I just hate the fact that my mind is so absorbed with sex that I cant quite get myself to do anything else!
    3. Shrek's Avatar
      my mind is like that too sometimes, its completely natural
      DreamInPeace likes this.