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    1. View Conversation
      I'm still trying to figure out why do you keep using the word "ques" xD
      Regarding that last reply, I'll see if I can find the specific thread in which that topic was debated.
      And thanks for the nice conversation
    2. View Conversation
      Thanks for the advice. I'll still first work on getting WILD right and maybe after that i might build additional methods up as support.
    3. View Conversation
      You're lucky to not be going through this all the time.

      I'm starting to suspect it to be a dream. Always only noises and difficulty to move. Where is the common stuff like HI and heaviness? To add up, it ends too fast.

      Put that all together and just MAYBE i've been dreaming about SP all along! The sudden gain of awareness and my body feeling funny, it could just be my transition into a FA back then. Even if i stay there waiting, nothing else happens. There is only one way i'm going to find out; I'm rolling over.
    4. View Conversation
      I remember at least once before this that I was surprised that you were a guy Because of the girly name and picture. My memory is pretty nice for some things but horrible for most of the things
    5. View Conversation
      That's pretty funny
      Bro, then.
    6. View Conversation
      Thanks! Enjoy your new laptop, sis =)
    7. View Conversation
      Yea, kinda got bored. Not too much to do on the forums these days.
    8. View Conversation
      Yup! Slowly and surely, getting there dream by dream...
    9. View Conversation
      That sounds very exciting. Even more since all my ld's were blurry DILDs. I'm struggling a little with WILD, but it shall pay off really good when i get the method correctly.
    10. View Conversation
      That? I wanted to learn and i still do, but there was a reason that forced me to stop. I wish i would continue learning..
      You look interested in manga/anime. I'm too! I'm looking forward to lucid dreams involving manga characters, that should very well compensate for me stopping drawing.
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    About LouaiB

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    Date of Birth
    July 30, 1997 (27)
    About LouaiB
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    Mount Lebanon
    Swimming, Basketball , drawing, writing stories & fantasies, making music, obviosly lucid dreaming
    Nothing with outcome :P
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    I fill my heart with fire, with passion, passion for what makes me nostalgic. A unique perspective fuels my fire, makes me discover new passions, more nostalgia. I love it.

    "People tell dreamers to reality check and realize this is the real world and not one of fantasies, but little do they know that for us Lucid Dreamers, it all starts when the RC fails"
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    Sensei's Sexy Comp Day 11

    by LouaiB on 08-28-2015 at 10:18 AM
    Fragment: Something about dragons in CoC

    Sensei's Sexy Comp Day 10

    by LouaiB on 08-27-2015 at 08:40 AM
    Dream 1: I was in college and saw all of my friends. We hung out on the campus for a while. I still remember the design, it was nice.

    Dream 2: In a music class and everyone is playing the violin, then I was like "gimme something! anything!!" then they gave me a blue little plastic guitar, and i was like "it'll do".

    Sensei's Sexy Comp Day 9

    by LouaiB on 08-26-2015 at 08:11 AM
    Dream 1: Being in a cave with some other ppl, maybe it was an apocalyptic time, and we just hung out there exploring I guess and it was kinda scary, and i remembered a story about how vietnamese soldiers would use this tunnel as a secret tunnel (It was vietnam I guess??)

    Dream 2: My friend uploaded hentai on my YT channel (even though I don't have one ) and next morning I woke up to 80,000 subs lol. It then decreased to 20,000 next day cuz they removed the 2 hentai videos, but then I reuploaded more.

    Dream 3: biscots and pancakes resteraunt, and they are known for very good pancakes. It was inside some cave, kinda like the one is the first dream. She made us pancakes but left halfway, and me and my friends thought we should just get our order, but for some reason our order is now a music track, and I didn't think it was wierd.

    Dream 4: I became lucid but i forgot how. I feel it was just me remembering my intention to become lucid. So I summoned my DG, and then she started sexy dancing . She started stripping, and then her boobs unvailed. I was like, woooooow, but she had 2 nipple tips on each boob, but I didn't think that was weird for some reason. I must have benn not too lucid. Then, I accepted her grascious invitation and, let's just say, pleased her nipples through my glorious mouth

    Fragment: Something about my brother and the electricity room in our building. I was standing near the open door of our home.

    Sensei's Sexy comp day 7

    by LouaiB on 08-24-2015 at 11:34 AM
    Dream 1 (4 fragments): marrying 2, saving world, tunnel stunts(spin runs inside tunnel), military airship.

    Dream 2: There was this little girl then she suddenly started acting really lewd. She suddenly got naked and i was like "wtf is she doing!?". Then, thinking it cannot got any worse, she started talking about very sexual stuff, and i was just sitting there shocked. XD WTF my brain

    Dream 3: listening to new music video then lucid in bathroom bcz I remembered my intention, RC (nose pinch) but then falling
    and waking up to my all paralyzed body. I tried DEILD but i got too distracted towards my tingling numb body.

    Dream 4: My dad's friend wanted money from me but i told him i already bought the laptop using that money. The conversation was about that in his lawn, but it didn't last long. I was shocked he was asking cuz he usually doesn't take loans. I first agreed (even though i really didn't want to bcz i wanted to buy the laptop) just bcz he does a lot of good to us but then i remembered i already bought the laptop.

    Dream 5: I was having a nightmare, but then i realized it must be a dream and woke myself up. It was a monster attacking me I think??

    Updated 08-24-2015 at 11:44 AM by LouaiB


    Senei's Sexy comp day 4,5,6

    by LouaiB on 08-23-2015 at 12:05 PM
    Day 4:


    Day 5:

    Dream 1: I was so hungry and checked the fridge several times in what FELT like an hour or half an hour interval each time. No food

    Dream 2: I was chatting with my friend and he told me that ppl work there (australia) from 12 till 7 only, and i was like "lucky!!"

    Dream 3: I was at my dad's. but in a weird home, and my mom came in and started making fun of him. It was a very weird face. I was chocked bcz she's not supposed to be there plus she can't see him. Then I told here i had supermarket coupuns and asked her if she wanted them, she told me yes ( in the kitchen, she just came from the grocery store and was putting the stuff there).

    Dream 4: I was making a remix of a song using fl. Yup, just spent the dream making it. I can still remember the EQ and stuff too. Man I wish I could remember how i set it though XD. OMG yeah that is a nice thing to practice for recall! Remember the presets you set for programs! Helps remember more details.

    Dream 5: I was with my mom in the living room, and a beautiful orchestral song showed up that was very similar to my vocaloid orchestral song i did a couple weeks ago. I was shocked how close it was.

    Dream 6: I was at my cousin's summer house, and he has a bit of a slope there that i oddly had a very very hard time climbing. I was kinda embarased. I then walked into a college there (there isn't one there irl), but the security guard was telling me i can't be there and was poking me with a metal ball attached to the security fence thingy in a playful way. It was very vivid! It was nighttime. I swear i really love how my mind creates nighttimes.

    Day 6:

    Dream 1: I was making boiled potatoes, and then my bro started peeling his heel's skin, and it peeled likea boiled potato, and i was like "eww get your foot off my potatoes!!! I can't eat that now!!!" lol

    Dream 2: I started my laptop and my bluetooth mouse worked!! It wasn't working yesterday.

    Dream 3:at school, preparing for finals, then a giant horse dog monster thing showed up, but was very friendly, then my friend held me up and jumped onto a table breaking it, and we both broke into laughter XD. Very vivid dream.