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    My boyfriends dream or OOBE keeps happening

    by , 01-27-2014 at 07:28 PM (486 Views)
    This is the third night in a row now, I have the first time this happened posted on here as well.
    His experience isn't changing very much, the first time he could see himself and me laying on the bed asleep but he was across the room, looking at us, and then he saw just a big black ball of really nothing..but it was talking to him through his mind, this thing had no facial or body features.
    The second night he saw the shape of a full upper body, but still no face.
    The thing took him to the same place he was the first time, which was that graveyard full of children strapped to the ground and he paralyzed him to not be able to move or look away while he burned the children, and then brought him back to our room and said to him "remember, I'm watching you", he again touched his physical body and woke up, to our tv being on on some tv show completely frozen with some guy just staring into the camera, I experienced that part because he woke me up and showed me and then told me about the dream/OOBE happening again.
    And last night (the third night) this same thing happened all over again he "woke up" in our room and this guy was there again only this time he saw the same only the upper body no face, except for a pair of really bright, bright blue eyes and he tried to tell it no and he wasn't going with it, and it grabbed him and pulled him to that graveyard again to experience this whole thing over again.
    My boyfriend said he continuously tried to ask it questions but the only answers this thing gave him was
    "These children deserve this"
    and my boyfriend also asked it, it's name and this thing said it's name was Francis.

    Please help me...I'm getting extremely worried. Every night this has happened, around the time my boyfriend wakes up my son is waking up as well. I'm terrified.

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    false awakening


    1. Narwhal's Avatar
      It's still completely possible that it's just his made fears in his dream, in a recurring dream. But if you believe it's a spiritual attack, why don't you bless your house with oil over every door of your house. Tell him to not talk to them, never bargain with him to leave, that only invites more in. The demon was invited in some how. Before my family got restraining orders against my dad and kicked him out of my house he invited in so many demons, the energy was so bad. But once he was gone we blessed the house and none of the stuff had happened since. When I was little this white form of a man no facial features or clothes just leaned against my door frame with it's arms crossed and leaned a little forward towards me and stared at me for hours just sucking the energy of my fear. I kept telling my sister it was there but she couldn't see it. What they do is instill fear into you until your soul is weak and paralyzed in your body and they move in to possess you. I know this now, and since then rid of all the foreign things in my body and I know you mustn't fear, thats how it will win. That thing is getting energy from your boyfriends fear. The thing probably uses visuals of burning children because you two have a child of your own, what perfect fear fuel, and then it adds the touch of waking your son up when your boyfriend finally wakes. Spirits can wake people up with a feeling, Induce instill fear without you even seeing anything. A big theatrical performance to get what they want. Look up testimonies of people approached by "black eyed children", they paralyzed the people, and when the people don't invite them in they instill them with fear and try to put them in a trance to open the door, those are hybrid creatures with no soul. He has nothing to fear, the evil entity is having fun with him and getting energy out of it. I understand about the TV thing also, as children me and my sister were watching cartoon network and the cartoon screen went off and went to an old computer desk top with a bloody cursor moving around berserk, and we ran. I've also had good spirits tell me things I needed to know through the tv screen also being I was being stubborn and not looking at them through the window, they walked around into the tv screen as if it was another window and knocked on the glass. I'm glad I listen to what they told me. You might not of invited them in yourselves, but it might of been someone far up your familial line. My dads grandma messed with ouija boards, and stuff farther up my blood line so it could've been something like that, but you have the power to end it.
      Lumenia likes this.
      Updated 01-27-2014 at 07:58 PM by Narwhal
    2. Darkswerk's Avatar
      Trust me you have NO reason to worry. I do not doubt that there is demons in this world but you have to understand that when it comes to the dream world/obe/sleep paralysis you are going to see what your mind wants you to see. So now that you have this fear inside you and your boyfriend is looking for this thing the next time he does this he will more then likely see it. For example if your biggest fear is spiders and you worry all night about seeing one you're going to go to sleep and possibly see it. The mind is a POWERFUL thing and it's going to play tricks on you and it will win if you let it. If you are religious pray and know that you are safe. You can not be harmed physically just know that. I used to "Think" I was undergoing spiritual attacks and whether it was real or just a mind game I was able to take control of it. You must tell yourself that you are in charge and show no fear evil feeds off of fear.
      Narwhal likes this.
    3. DorianMask's Avatar
      Burning white sage before bed while invoking compassionate spirit allies to protect/guide, and seconding what was previously stated about commanding the entity to leave. Express it is unwelcome without a nervous tone or fearful intent. :-D Or one could try not sleeping with the TV on