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    Help please

    by , 08-24-2014 at 01:51 AM (518 Views)
    Hi ever since I was 3 I have had dreams and I see other peoples deaths and they happen the next day.Then, Im also able to see just everyday things before they happen but forget until they do happen now I have been able to remember them more and more often.I also see ghost not as apparitions but as colored outlines instead like each color means something about that ghost I also scream very often in my dreams and my grandmother says I scream in my sleep and at random moments when I get thoughts that relate to my dreams.how do these things connect to each other and what do they mean am I like some weird psychic or a banshee or something I just want answers please help.
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    1. JadeGreen's Avatar
      Try posting on the forums, probably in the 'Beyond Dreaming' section. The people there know a lot about psychic episodes and seeing spirits and stuff, and they can help you out. This is a dream journal page; I know you might be a little panicked but this is the wrong place to come for help.

      The best advice I can give you is to try not to be afraid of these occurrences.