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    1. WILD | Need Help

      by , 08-10-2010 at 04:49 PM
      So I have never done any sort of lucid dream and I am just getting into it. I keep failing at attaining lucidity by doing a DILD for the last few days so I decided to try a WILD. So what I tried was I went to bed at 12 am and set my alarm for 6:30 am, i woke up had a coke and some chocolate. I set another alarm for 7:30 am, once that alarm went off I went back in bed and lied on my back. I just relaxed and focused on my breathing as much as possible. I kept thinking I starting to vibrate but it was just my pulse getting stronger and stronger. I can literally feel that im not going into sleep paralysis for a long time when ive read only takes like 15 minutes. I get up and look at the clock and its been 45 minutes. I am now posting this in hope someone has some advise for me cause ive lost a little bit of lucid motivation. Any advice would help, thanks.
    2. Third Post | August 9th | Non-Lucid | Two Dreams!

      by , 08-09-2010 at 05:55 PM
      The first night I have had more then one dream in one night!

      1)I am in walmart in downtown puyallup with nicole mattson, hannah heien, james woods, and two mexicans. Everyone is buying tons of food. After we all go shopping for a while we get to the ice cream section. It takes me like 5 minutes to pick out what i want for ice cream. Once i get all my food in a cart which is a massive amount i go to the check out line and i am with hannah. Once we scan all our food the walmart lady asks if we have a reward card thing and hannah is like oooh ya i got one and starts to put her number into the rewards thing. Once she puts her number in this narrarator lady says that the number has been banned from walmart and every item scanned on the big screen computer said denied on it then all the items instantly went back to the isles they were when we got there and i started screaming at hannah. Once i get the 4 most importing items back from where i found them i bought them without hannahs number and i was all good. I went behind walmart into the secret section and found james and the mexicans chillin back there and we got into the car and i was behind shotgun and we were going home now. For some reason we took the freeway. We were coming just up the puyallup valley and all the light were green but we took a right turn to go down the freeway and everyone asked him why he did that and he said because he thinks its faster. There actually was a underground secret shortcut that comes out from behind landcastle into forest crown which was pretty sick. The mexicans drop us off and the dream ended.

      2)I was on the side of meridian riding something that looked like hiat the pushing wheelchair thing but it was more like a wheelchair and had one training wheel thing on the right side like motorcycles have their extra seat on the side. While i was going down meridian I was going through all the red stop hands and cars were honking at me like no other. I could randomly go from street to side walk with no ramps or change to hiat. When i was done riding hiat i was at a playground with james and two stunt boys, but not the mexicans. We were doing stunt jumps off the playground and one of the two boys told james to do a butt bomb off the top of the playset. James agreed and I watched him in slow motion just get hammered by the ground when he hit the sand which most likely wasnt as soft as he predicted.
      Tags: connor, funny, lucid, non
    3. Second Dream | August 8th | Non-Lucid

      by , 08-09-2010 at 05:52 PM
      This is my second post.

      I was living in the city, basically in the middle of puyallup. My friend has a massive house that i could go in basically whenever I wanted. Just outside of the city there was a vast desert where if you got in the senses of any of the creatures out there you were basically dead. Me and my friends would be hanging out in the hot tub in the hub of puyallup. While in the hot tub it was like a sex party in that private club. Two people would get out of the hot tub just to have sex in front of people. I rode a motorcycle around town which i used to leave that place after i got bored. I was going home on the vast desert and when i almost got inside our house i looked back and saw a bunch of clothes goblin type men in cars coming to kill me. I went to around the 6th floor and pulled out the barrett 50. cal that a mounted next to the window barrell sticking out and I opened the window. The goblins woulld pull up in their cars about 500 feet from my house and would get out then start running towards the house. When the goblins would leave the car I would snipe them as quickly as possible like quick scoping. I felt like i was in some flash game guarding the main point from all the intruders coming to try and destroy it, although i never got to upgrade my guns or anything which was the only difference between flash games and the disturbing killing i had to make myself do. One of my friends came over and said he was going to remodel the house and i was like what why? He said he was going to put some see through solar panel in an empty room with a 45 degree angled roof for some unkown reason. While he was putting it on i went back into the city and got into the hot tub and watched some more sex. We drank a bunch of alcohol while in the jacuzzi and i got drunk as no other.
      Tags: connor, funny, lucid, non
    4. First Post | August 7th | First Dream

      by , 08-09-2010 at 05:49 PM
      This is the first dream that I remembered for a while so I figured I would start posting my dreams here for fun.

      I was in a secret agents society. Half the time it was snowy and half the time it was warm and i was usually there at night time. At snowy time I would bring James to the agents society that was behind rodgers. There was a massive cliff that james and me and lots of other people would jump off of cause there was lots of padded bed things at the bottem, just like in afgan. There was a place where they would recruit hot girls to dance in their main facility place. The girls were standing there naked and they all had nice butts. This one girl had hair that was 14 feet long and I was playing with it across the room and were flirting. After I left there I was slowly getting let back in to the orginazation. The two main people I hung out with were two people in higher command then me that were in their 20's. Whem I talked to them they were always togeather and when i talked to them I always had my bike. Whenever I rode my bike I practiced nose wheelies. One day I was walking and talking with them going downhill toward the afgan jump and they were walking to have sex, i found this out while doing a roundabout in a random unknown coldasack. I was going to go after them but i told them good luck and rode up the massive hill to the top. Later that day I saw Jonathen in the newspaper which i'm gessing for the reason of everyone knowing that him and had his girlfriend had sex in the middle of the orginazation. Later one day I had to ride home, i was standing on top of the hill ride night to rodgers, the orginization and i was just sitting there thinking. Like I knew the dream was gonna end right after that moment. I started to ride down the hill and do some nose wheelies and woke up.
      Tags: connor, funny, lucid, non