I have decided on a new way of describing rooms and smaller areas since I reckon I've done a pretty poor job of it so far. The door of the room is always North. Non-lucid Lucid I was in a fairly small room, I was sitting on a stool in the south-westerly corner, playing on a hi-hat and three of my chums where sitting on a brown leather sofa against the eastern wall. One of my teachers was there, talking about something, I was too engrossed in the hi-hat to take note. I then heard him say, “I will see you all next lesson”. Now, I knew it was currently the summer holidays so I did a reality check. Bingo! The room went dark. I tried to look at my hands so I could do another but it was too dark to see. I look toward the door which is a little off north east, if you know what I mean. The door lead to a hallway lit with sodium lights. Benny was walking a little ahead of me, he said something to the teacher who replied with, “I don't think you're in my lesson.” Benny gives his characteristic confused look and carries on walking. I see the door up ahead, and I am also looking at all the Dcs. I try to talk to one, but he had a speech defect, so I couldn't understand or remember what he was trying to say. I walk out the door into a town. It's more of a park than a town. There was a small fountain in front of me. It was a small column of stone, reaching my waist and it had rocks piled on top of it, with water coming out the top of course. I leant on it, and reached for the water. It was cold. I noticed a group of school children who were all looking at something. I went round to see and there was a boy holding a dog he threw it on the ground. Nobody reacted. The dream ended.
I'm on a bus going to God knows where. It stops and I get off to find myself at an alleyway. There are lots of kids my age and younger. I'm looking for a child and I ask this boy in a battered top hat, “Have you seen a negro kid on a yellow tricicle with red wheels. I get no answer, so I ask another child and she points me in the right direction. I walk where she pointed. Up ahead was some crossroads and beyond that a doorway, no door. As I walk, four of my friends join me. We cross the crossroads and then to my left was a café, it looked like a bus or coach with the front lopped off. We walk up to the door way and I hear clicking noises, like metal on metal. I look up out of the doorway and see one of my teachers, who immediately steps back so I can't see him. A car park is before me, with some cars parked. There are even some burnt out cars which there are trees and plants growing out of them. I look past the one at 2 o'clock to see some more of my teachers hiding away. There's three of them. I look to my friends and tell them something (can't remember what exactly) but I then look out to the car park again and leg it to the pristine car which is dead ahead. I hear the sound of fully automatic fire behind me. We were being shot at. We hid behind the car. It was a Renault Clio. Another teacher comes out with a gun, but fails to do harm since she doesn't know how to use it. I take the weapon off her, and shoot her. I also take down the teacher on the roof. We capture the remaining teacher. I remember talking to one of them and asking, “Why would you do this?” “To rule the world.” “Will you have any friends if you rule the world?” He laughs. “I have all the friends I need.” Then the army appears from no where. Aircraft could be heard flying over head and radios where going off. Me and my friends ran for it. We split at the cross roads, me and one friend, Rhys, go straight ahead. We run the the alley where I started and make a right then left and we come to a church and claim sanctuary. We wait, constantly looking out for the army through the windows. We watch as some guy runs jumps into a nearby lake and swims for his life. After a few minutes we see people making a chain and blocking access to the church. We eventually leave the church, and walk along the bank of the lake and come to a car. The rest of my friends are waiting for us. Me and my motely crew are now in a car travelling through the woods. I do not remember anything significant happening. I am now in a cave (same dream) looking for a hiding place, I exit the cave after being unable to find a suitable one, and go down the woodland path leading from the cave. At the bottom there is a tunnel which has another path leading away from it, the path is on a cliff edge.I hear footsteps coming from the tunnel. I stop walking to listen, thinking it might be the army. It isn't. It's a boy scout, I do not know him and he is running for his life. I go to help him. He makes it up the path on the cliff edge. He is a good way up before I catch up to him, he stumbles and falls to the ground and sprains his ankle. Rhys jumps out of nowhere and helps me carry him up the hill. Below us is a very steep slope, which gradually turns into a cliff face the further you make your way along. At the bottom of which is a river bank. and barbed wire fencing stopping us from just walking into it. The boy 'jumps' without warning and hurtles towards the ground below. He just misses being caught in the barbed wire. Rhys and I continue to run. He jumps just before the river bank ends, missung the barbed wire. I run to the point where there is no river bank and just water and I jump. The dream ends.
Been on holiday. I tried to recall my dreams as best I could. I was at a church camp. Most of the people I recognized. I went looking for somebody. I was walking with my friend Jon, and we came across these houses with tiny rooms. We barely fit in them. I then met an old man from some war and he was being rude to people. He was told by his carer to stop insulting everybody. He started talking to this woman, said something, and the recipient mistook it for being rude. I then find myself at a car park. I see the person I'm looking for and she sees me and she runs towards me and throws her arms around me. I do not know her though. We talk for a bit and part ways. I walk to school from there and for some reason it feels like I've gone back in time. I see my best friend Benny on the stairs going down to the basement and I wonder wheather he feels the 'time travel effect'. I ask him, “What's the date today?” “Yesterday, mate.” He smiles. “Do you think that the teachers know that?” And there is a teacher walking up the stairs to the playground who throws back her head in laughter. I do not remember much after that. I'm in a lab. I find out it's a dream lab and hospital and every single person on the planet, has their dreams contained in a metal ball about the size of a cricket ball. Some of them jump around eratically. This means the person is currently having a nightmare. I catch one and it stops bouncing around. We get a patient in. His name is Robin. He says he's been having recurring nightmares. A nightmare happens in front of us. The lights go out and the patient turns in to a black dog and begins running around the room in a blur. We hide under the worktops concealing ourselves with the swivel chairs. There are boxes under the worktops but are pushed right to the back of the space. As it runs around the lab it brushes past you you get a feeling of adrenaline and panic. I hear screaming noises in my head and shut my eyes and try to stay calm. The dog stops rushing around and starts pushing the chairs under the worktops. I open my eyes to see this, and I get on top of the row of boxes. The beast pushes my chair in and dissapears. The lights turn back on and everything continues as normal.
Well, I've been gone a while since I found I was unable to focus on dream recall which stopped me from having some lucid dreams. But it's the summer holidays now! So I'm feeling pretty confident I can focus on keeping a DJ now So... The first one is a nightmare. Joy. I was in my grandparent's house the atmosphere was very gloomy, the world seemed colourless. My family (probably – I can't remember) and I had been having a conversation in the lounge. I needed to answer nature's call so I went upstairs I could see the bathroom, the bedroom and then the little room that has the toilet in it. This is all very normal. The thing is, for some reason I think the toilet is in the bathroom, it is shut so I assume it is occupied. When I look back at the toilet room, the door has gone, there is just wallpaper and the toilet is placed on the landing. I start to feel uneasy but proceed to do my business. As I am sitting on the throne, I look to the bedroom the door has dissapeared. I suddenly feel terrified. I look down the stairs and there are strange people, who are looking at me, but can't see me or tell what I am. As if I'm in total darkness. They start to come up the stairs slowly, I panic and start pretending to be something dangerous. I try to yell but nothing comes out. Only little sounds, but that was enough to send the strangers away. My fear dissapates slightly and I am puzzled at to why I didn't make much noise. I try to yell again, nothing, it just sounds like I've lost my voice. I finish my trip and go downstairs back into the lounge. My parents remain, my sister has dissapeared. I feel terrified again and rush out of the door and into the front garden and start running around. It was as if something dangerous was now in the house. I look into the lounge window (from a distance) I can't see my parents because of the glare, even though there was no sun. But you would think so if you saw it. I beckoned my parents to come out not knowing whether they could see me. The dream ended, I woke up with my heart pumping like hell. This is all I got last night, but it's a start
Updated 07-18-2010 at 05:37 PM by 28581