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    1. Whoops

      by , 05-04-2014 at 05:43 AM
      I forgot to post my dream last night. I write them down in the morning but I guess it'll be hard getting used to also posting them here.

      Last nights dream was weird as hell. I'm on a space station of some sort with my family. There are others there too, but I can't remember who. We're walking though some docking chamber to an elevator, along with us are two little robot spiders. From behind us small creatures similar to the ones in the talon overworld in Metroid Prime are approaching, they have turtle-like shells and crab-like legs. Basically imagine the red shell from Mario Kart if it had legs and was gross. We get in the elevator and turn around to see these things, which we previously had not noticed. The robot spiders were walking through them just fine, and we guessed their ai wasn't programmed to notice that type of thing. We go up and find more of these things around everywhere. We have to navigate hallways and rooms without touching the things, because none of us know what would happen and none of us wanna find out. The final part of this dream has me jumping over these creatures arranged into a spiral pattern (I compared them to the things on Talon Overworld because they too can group up into large swarms).
      The final dream has me and my mom in some weird room. In the middle is a table at first, and I call in a holographic waitress to serve us, mostly to impress my mom. She's impressed by the hologram, but it can't pour her anything because she's a hologram (duh), so I pour her some wine, causing a bit of a mess due to clumsy wine handling. Now in the middle of us is a globe like thing, on one side a dark and evil looking sea, on the other, a more friendly and calm sea. All this is moving and basically a small scale real life ocean and earth. I say pirates use them to pick factions and alliances, and go to a side. Now I'm on a robotic horse thing in an arcade. It looks like one of the motorcycle games in arcades, and I'm picking from RPG loadouts, like knight, mage, etc. Apparently this is a game where one battles and races at the same time, trying to shove off opponents and reach the finish, and it all takes place in VR. You move your arms out and swing in order to fight your opponents, as if swinging a real sword. Near the end things become Kingdom Hearts-esque with spells and a little HUD.
    2. Video Games

      by , 05-01-2014 at 04:55 PM
      This dream was long and weird, it has about 4 distinct "parts" only tangentially related to each other, but all interesting nonetheless.
      I was in a hotel-esque area which was actually an apartment complex for my college, I was rooming with my friend who I was incredibly mad at for some reason. I remember yelling at her, telling her how cold she is and how she never listens or cares and only uses me, she doesn't view me as a friend, and as I'm telling this I get so mad I eventually just punch her. She runs away buy I have no remorse, and go down to the recreation room of the apartment. At some point before that, I do remember seeing my sister and yelling at her too over the exact same things, which was weird. Now at the pool table in this games room, I see my friend's mother walk in asking where she is. I say she's probably in our room, but maybe not since our falling out.
      The dream sorta switches gears at this point, now it's Animal Crossing and I'm watching someone play, sort of like an LP. I see the person walk into their home for the first time and loom around, surprisingly the house was fully upgraded. Suddenly its as if there was a jump cut, and the house's layout changes completely. Now there's an obvious "hidden" wall and for some reason I'm terrified that a plane with crash thru one of the walls and crush the player. Using the shovel, the character enters the hidden room, which ends up being a narrow, empty hallway with nothing much of value at all in it. Walking back into the main room, there are now roaches and all around the floor. The character steps on them as per usual, but suddenly a scorpion appears. The player attempts to crush this one as well, but it won't die, and it begins stinging the character as he runs over it. The scorpion is eventually killed, but the character has been poisoned, and is leaking green liquid (presumably the poison) and blood before collapsing.
      Now I'm Nathan Drake, kinda. I'm being hunted, but I'm myself so far, and only hanging with Drake. we're on a bridge above the ocean being held at gunpoint, and a gondola is next to us, we are told to go into the gondola with the bad guy but as we're getting in we manage to cut the supports causing us to fall halfway up the rope. We both survive and the baddie was in a diff gondola with no way of reaching us, but i had a lot of wind knocked outta me and kinda started drowning. At this point I am Drake, and attempting to kill a man, but he gets the drop on me and points a gun at me, at this point time slows down and a message telling me how to counter appears, as a tutorial type thing. Suddenly I'm teleported away from him, and he holds the rest of the room I was in up (it was like a gift shop place). I kill him.
      The finalish part of the dream involves lamps, specifically baby ones. I'm in a hotel place, and in a room are some baby lambs which I had to take care of. they were adorable and jumped around and skipped around everywhere, at first they were scared of me, but I calmed them and they grew to like me. So now they're jumping on me, letting me pet them, and all while they're bahh-ing I can see subtitles translating what they're saying.