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    Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming

    14/07/14 - Mountain Bike Ride

    by , 07-14-2014 at 03:11 PM (344 Views)
    Dream 1

    We were in France on a school trip, and we are pretty much allowed to do what we want to do during the day so me and one of my friends decide we are going to hire a bike a ride over the huge mountains they have in France. So we went and rented a bike each, and began to ride them. Before we even got to the mountain trail I had to go down a huge hill, it was verrrrry big. I was riding down going fast and it was now me and my sister. I was pretty scared we were going to crash. Then at the bottom we planned that we would ride to the top of mountain peak, enjoy the scenery and come back down the same way otherwise it would take us forever. Then the scene changed I'm in a small French town, still planning my bike trip, I had £13, I had £6 for lunch and £7 was for any emergencies that may arise, for lunch I went in a chip shop where the lunch was pie, but they hadn't made it yet.

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