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    Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming

    28/07/14 - Killed by Zombies and Destroying Crack Supply

    by , 07-28-2014 at 01:42 PM (775 Views)
    Dream 1

    I was on a beach and some YouTuber was running across it yelling something really loud. There were 2 guys in the pub near the beach like 'wtf is he doing?', I run onto the beach a wave comes in and the water gets my feet wet. It was freezing.

    Dream 2

    I am in a different country with a few people from work and others who I know. It was a huge city but basically the road networks were above everything else. Underneath the road networks were all the shops etc. I was talking to one friend from work about this and we realised this was good for our current situation. A zombie apocalypse. (Lots of zombie dreams atm because I'm watching The Walking Dead series ) He referred to the city below as 'hell' and we never would want to go down down there unless necessary. I'm then sitting on top of a shed sort of building with two others. They say they are going to have to go into one of the shops to collect something. They both go down and walk off. I'm sitting on this shed with a football feeling a bit uneasy about being on myself. I see a zombie walking slowly below me, I wanted to go to a shop as well to get things too. So I thought I'd throw this football at the zombies head and knock him over then run. I threw it, it hit him on the head and when the ball hit the floor a whole pack of zombies turned to look at me. Uh oh. I began running as fast as I could to the shop I wanted to get too, all of them following me. I found the shop, ran inside and it was pitch black, unluckily there was about 7 zombies in here. I knew of a small vent round the back which I could crawl through. I tried pushing threw but I was bitten, clawed and scratched. Great. I made it into the vent bleeding knowing eventually I would turn into a zombie. There was also a girl with me in the vent who was about 10 as well. But I took out my gun, aimed it at my head and BANG.

    I was then in an office with one of my teachers who were in the dream earlier. We are dressed in suits sipping water looking over the city. I had came back to life as the same person 20 years later, no one looked liked they aged either. Then the 2 people from work came in and started asking me questions how I got myself killed and what exactly happened.

    Dream 3

    For some reason I had loads of crack cocaine in my wardrobe. It was in loads of paracetamol boxes, I think overall there was about 10 boxes of it. My brother was on the computer and I went down to him singing about it and put it on his desk as a joke. I said 'I don't know what to do with all of this.' I was thinking 'I can't exactly sell it, to who? How?' I knew it was worth a lot of money but I was going to have to get rid of it. I was thinking all of this outside in the back garden. Then my brother came outside with a crack pipe and was just about to light it up. I ran up to him snatched it out of his hand threw it on the ground and smashed it to pieces. 'What do you think you're doing? You'll get addicted to this shit! I was angry. 'I'm getting rid of this all right now, I'm going to burn it or something, whatever!'. I began to get rid of it, throwing it away. I had 2 boxes left and my mum got home from work. I'm standing in the kitchen and she says she has got me a DVD. I look at the DVD and it was called Mulvy vol. 1, it had a guy with long black hair on the front. Then she goes to have a bath. I try sneakily take it out the wardrobe and get rid of it before she gets out. I do. But I knew she knew about these last two boxes somehow. Then my mum and sister and me go on a drive, she asks me about crack. About how dangerous it is. I wasn't sure if it was a coincidence or she knew. Then I was in her boyfriends car, not her boyfirend in real life, her boyfriend in this dream. He turned out to be a crack dealer and was telling me about it.
    Chessica and JoannaB like this.

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    1. Chessica's Avatar
      What a scary dream, that first one. Stressed me out a bit just reading about those zombies! lol Dramatic ending too! Good recall btw! Lots of details. Wonder what that Mulvy vol. 1 dvd was about.
      covlad96 likes this.
    2. JoannaB's Avatar
      I love the time travel element of the zombie dream.
      covlad96 likes this.
    3. covlad96's Avatar
      What a scary dream, that first one. Stressed me out a bit just reading about those zombies! lol Dramatic ending too! Good recall btw! Lots of details. Wonder what that Mulvy vol. 1 dvd was about.
      I actually wasn't that scared in the dream, like my emotions were just numb and I was in survival mode. Someone I know in real life's friend is called Mulvy, nickname I think. I've never met him or anything I've just heard his name mentioned a few times lol

      I love the time travel element of the zombie dream.
      Me too, it was pretty cool to tell everyone how I died
      Chessica likes this.