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    Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming

    War Type Dream

    by , 08-29-2013 at 05:42 PM (395 Views)
    Dream 1

    I was at war with this other rival family, it was in older times, the guns were old and people were fighting with swords. I had one shotgun with about 20 shells left. Everybody was in this area, it was circle with walls round the edge, surround the walls was more pavement and around that was water. I ran in the middle shot one guy in the belly, everywhere people were fighting with swords it was pretty epic. I jumped down out of this ring and round the edge, I was like the leader of this family. The leader of the other family followed me and it was like preparing for a boss fight. I had a shotgun he had two swords but he was very experienced with these. I can't remember how the exact fight went down but I won. He passed over his two swords to me as I was out of bullets and began to teach me how to use them. He showed me if I point them at the sea it electrocutes everybody in it, he showed me and he killed two pigeons swimming in the sea. Woah cool. I was struggling to hold them and wondered how he could fight with them.

    The next thing everything turns really trippy, like I'm in the type of trippy dreams you see on TV. The guy has drugged me! He's not as nice as he appears after all. I'm floating in this space, doors are everywhere (its kinda hard to explain). He then says to me 'Niko isn't what you think he is!' I looked up and see standing in a bright light Niko from Da Vincis Demons, I assume he has betrayed our family. Then he begins to show me past memories from who I am in the dream. They weren't actually my real life past memories. I see a guy holding onto bars and looking out through them. I know this is the one I have to pull myself through if I want to live. I feel myself floating past it, I try to grab it, I grab one of the bars and pull with all my strength through it. I hear a 'NOOOOOOO!'

    I leap out the other side and I am in a gladiator type ring. The crowd roars as I appear, its like they are saved now I have come to fight. Fighting is going on all around me. I see this one huge guy about 8ft tall just demolishing everyone. I knew it was me vs him. I walk up with my two swords and slash his ankles. He goes for a kick I dodge. Then out of nowhere Niko who I seen earlier jumps off a platform onto the giants back. He has a long chain and wraps it round his neck he pulls the giant to the floor. That's the last I recall.

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    non-lucid , memorable
