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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 11/11/11 - Danzig

      by , 11-12-2011 at 02:29 AM (Dandelion Wine)

      I was listening to Danzig and Sex Gang Children on Last.fm while eating cheese and crackers.
    2. 11/9/11 - Sweater Sam

      by , 11-09-2011 at 10:35 PM (Dandelion Wine)
      My dad was driving me and two of my friends somewhere off the highway, but as we were driving through the parking lot of a strip mall we passed by some chain restaurant and suddenly the male friend in the back seat and I decided we want to go on a "date." Megan, who was also with us, didn't seem to care. But my dad seemed bothered about spending money because our initial destination was either free or very cheap. I brushed off his concern and my friends and I went inside.

      Later on I was in the bathroom of the restaurant which was actually a dingy old basement with cement walls and floor. There was a small ground-level window and through it I could see my dad talking on his cell phone outside. He was explaining to someone that he was stuck here (because of money or gas?) but he didn't seem angry, just tired and distressed. When I got back to the table I was going to tell my friends we had to leave.

      I saw Sam sit down on a bus with Lauren and he was wearing a bunch of oversized cable-knit sweaters. I saw the bottom fringe of a green one sticking out below a big white one with the sleeves bunched up around his wrists. I thought he looked hilarious and I wanted to text him just the word, "sweater," and I did this by reaching over the seats and sticking my hand underneath one of them where he seemed to be hiding his phone. Lauren was the only one who seemed to notice this but she pretended not to. I typed my message directly onto his phone but because I couldn't see what I was doing I accidentally typed "single." He then suddenly started making a big deal about how he was single, implying he and Lauren had broken up, while she sat there smiling uncomfortably.

      I was on some dreaming forum on the Internet describing a problem I had with dream recall. A guy who'd been assisting me throughout my thread said something like, "Now rub your hands together and meet me in a dream later." I thought this was punny, like: rub your hands together in anticipation, and also rub your hands together to stabilize your dream.

      Steve wanted to show me something he made or helped create, so I followed him. An alternately docile/aggressive female lion leaped at me while we stood in a small wooden shed. I huddled up against Steve for safety. He seemed distracted and confident I would be fine. A Brian Froud-y looking creature which emanated the melody to I Lay Stretched on Your Grave from its ears. I wanted to tell Steve how emotional the song made me but I didn't get the chance. I felt so affected by everything but he remained calm and stoic.

      Updated 11-11-2011 at 09:14 AM by 50986

      Tags: dad, money, music, steve
      non-lucid , dream fragment