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    fair in town

    by , 08-26-2013 at 03:24 PM (305 Views)
    Alright so what i think was my churches fairs came to town and for some reason this year it was on the news i remember seeing my cousing on a merry-go-round trolling the camera. the next thing was that the camera crew went to go talk to my grandfather by the ferris wheel where he was telling the news team about the height of the ferris wheel and other different details.nex i saw my oldest brother at the fair and he was trying to get a group together to meet up after the fair so he had me taking peoples names and numbers. The next dream i was an astonaut in a space station looking down at earth as we orbited it however the land did not look real it looked painted on and artificial. somehow i ended up on the ground and somehow back in time before any technology it was only different types of things that wanted to kill me like tigers,cougars,alligators,etc i ran for my life when suddenly i found this cave where some technology existed and i found out that it had all been caused by an artifact (warehouse 13). i found out that one of the people inside the cave had a purple crystal nechlace that was causing the world to be in this pre historic state. the next dream i was back on a space station sort of thing where there was a school and one of my teachers was being instructed by mr white (breaking bad) on how to position one of the turrets on the station. Hank came just after mr white and asked if mr white had been there the teacher said yes and hank left to follow mr white.

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