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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Killer Lynx and Shapeshifting

      by , 01-24-2012 at 01:48 PM
      Very strange dream last night with lots of things going on and I can remember the whole thing. I had moved to a small town in Oxfordshire UK with my partner but strange occurrences were happening. There was a Lynx on the prowl at night, and if it scratched you, you were sure to be the next person in the town to die. I was walking across the land of my home to the neighbors when the Lynx appeared and started to attack, my partner then appeared with a huge pole trying to get the cat away from me but it was to late and it struck my check with its claws. We ran to the next house and I ran around closing and locking all the doors and windows but as i was going up the stairs the police had appeared in the downstairs hallway so i started panicking and shouting "how did you get in" as I got into the 1st upstairs bedroom to lock the window i spotted my partner and his sister stood at the front door chatting to the police, as i span to leave the room a police man was laying on the bed looking at me, he was very manly but appeared to be wearing lipstick and i instantly knew he was here to kill me and that he was not a man but something that could turn into anything he wanted like a shapeshifter. I turned and started pounding the windows, by this point i knew i was dreaming and started to scream for my partner who although in the dream was in sight i knew was laying asleep beside me, i knew that this thing was coming behind me but then all of a sudden my partner woke me up as he heard me call his name in his sleep. Now this was at 5am this morning but the full account has stayed with me all day. It is mainly me trying to place the face of the policeman as i am aware that we only dream of faces we have seen whether it be someone in the street 10 years ago, but i know that i knew that face. So any interperations are appreciated
      lucid , nightmare , memorable