game Dream
, 08-26-2011 at 05:16 PM (507 Views)
I was in rp when a gun dealer kept shooting his customers. He killed this one guy with a pistoo, and he dropped his Galil, so I grabbed it and killed the gun dealer and ran off. Then after a while the guy kept chasing me around. He was either looking for the assault rifle I took or the money printer that I stole. For some reason he kept finding me and it really creeped me out. I went into this room past that tunnel in spawn and hopefully he couldn't find me there. I have this glitch where I can see through walls, and I saw him come over and then stop. I was wondering why he stopped and panicked a little. I ended up ontop of the jail building and realized how he kept finding my me. He had this device where you can detect the printers with a hear vision of some sort. As I kept running, I saw that cars were also detected my the device. So I thought, maybe I could hide the printer behind these two Chrysler 300's on top of this roof. I crouched down behind them, but then saw him coming so I said screw it, and flicked what I thought was the printer. It was my phone, and it wasn't the guy. So I ran over and said I meant to drop the printer and tried to grab my phone. He said, lemme look through the photo's first, but then realized that the pictures woud probably just all be cats.*