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    California; Garage

    by , 04-01-2012 at 07:05 PM (343 Views)
    My family was taking a trip to California. The drive went surprisingly quickly. We arrived at some beach and my grandmother was with us now. We went to some stand where they were selling tacos. I had one made for me with chicken breast, and corn, (the lady thought I was asking for potatoes). Then I realized I needed to go home, and I went home by myself. When I got there, I returned a couch pillow to the couch, and was about to leave when one of my friends, Joe, showed up with another one of his friends. Joe was fixing a car in my driveway, and this other punk was just being annoying. He was trying to sneak into my garage and, I'm assuming, steal something. Eventually, after running inside my house one time and forgetting to close the door, my old dog ran outside. He died a few months ago, so this is when I realized it was a dream. I pinched my nose, I could still breath, so I started to rub my hands together and approach the annoying kid. Nothing happened. I decided to try it again, so I approached him, rubbed my hands together, felt the heat, and decided that I wouldn't fail this time. I rubbed my hands together, made a fireball and threw it at this kid. He vanished. The fireball turned into a large yellow tennis ball and returned to my hands.

    I was in my room putting on my pants when my little cousin walked into the room. She was talking on her cell phone as a big bus pulled up outside my house. I opened the garage door and saw my uncle pulling into it, so I locked the door and told my dad about it and he said "good." I went back upstairs with my cousin still on the phone and she was scream-laughing. I saw another uncle of mine riding shotgun in the bus, and his wife in the driver seat. Then I saw their daughter walking up our driveway.

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