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    Whit cat, milk

    by , 02-11-2016 at 12:57 AM (536 Views)
    White Cat

    There is a nice short haired white cat at my feet. I pour milk from old fashioned milk bottle into a bowel at my feet. Prettily the cat starts drinking. But then the cat is sitting in the bowel of milk. Then i wake up.

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    1. dogpoo's Avatar
      Fri 12 Feb 2016 (woke 10am)
      No dreams and i woke up 3 times.
    2. dogpoo's Avatar
      Saturday 13 Feb 2016
      No dreams again.
    3. dogpoo's Avatar
      Woke from a dream. But it's private one, you know, sexy, private, but very happy to have one after not having one for 2 days.