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    dolphin's dreams

    Lucid #10

    by , 10-17-2012 at 04:45 PM (438 Views)
    Non Dream

    I woke up and I noticed in my left hand I had a $20 bill! Excited at my luck I noticed I had something in my right hand as well. On a piece of paper about the size of a sticky pad, it was note from God. It was in my grandmother's handwriting, however, and I couldn't make sense of anything else written on the note. Questioning whether I was dreaming, I got up and jumped up and down. Noticing an altered sense of gravity, I confirmed I was dreaming. At this point though my heart was racing and my dream faded away as I attempted to stabilize.
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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      The whole notion of the note from God in your grandmother's handwriting gave me chills. Amazing stuff.

      Congratulations on the lucidity!! I had many of these brief ones early on and while they leave you wanting more they are such an important part of development. You are doing really well!

      Edit: And to be clear, I still have these ultra-brief "lucid fragments" so it's not like it's something I've "moved past"! I had one just last night, as a matter of fact.