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    1. Crystal Mining at dads pond

      by , 03-03-2011 at 11:30 AM
      Scene is fathers farm pond. My mother and another woman aunt Joan or Beverly Morningstar (childhood neighbor) are standing on the road near the overflow. I notice a fishing pole with a bobber in the water. When I point it out the bobber starts moving. I dash to get it but the fish is large enough to pull the whole rig into the water! I see the fish and it looks like a green koi. I run onto the dam and out on a dock (dock doesn't exist) following the bobber, then I jump into the water to retrieve tho pole and get this fish but it gets away and disappears into the deep water. So I swim to the far side of the dam and get out. Then I see an older couple sitting in lawn chairs. We make small talk and I notice som rocks at my feet I pick a few up and they are beautiful kayanite pieces. Then I see a freshly eroded gully at my feet, I get into it and see a huge quartz crystal sticking out of the mud, so I pluck it out then I see another one I also pull pull this on out. Another crystal appears in the mud this one is quartz shape but green. Suddenly i see these strange tabby crystals also with green color, tourmaline like. I then get out of the gully to show the couple I saw earlier. They are still there but only one crystal was in the bucket I had. The man is now fishing, his pole
      Looks like a shovel handle with a heavy rope on it. I ask him what he is fishing for and he says halibut then I look left and we are gazing at the ocean. Things get fuzzy then I wake up. I was not lucid but the details of this dream were awesome. Crystal mining, fathers property, and oceans are all reaccuring themes.
      lucid , memorable
    2. Wise women

      by , 03-02-2011 at 05:34 AM
      Last night's dreams are vary fragmented. I can only remember discussing a broken sandblaster hose at cornerstone. And the second fragment was in my truck, Rachel and Becky were with me telling me that the truck needed oil but I disagreed until we came to a stopsign then the sound if the engine was ticking, indicating low oil, the feeling was mild self doubt. I can't recall any control over the dream.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. First flight

      by , 03-01-2011 at 09:03 AM
      This is my first entry into my dj. Last night I had my first lucid dream because I wanted to, it happened sometime between 6:30 and 9:00AM. in the dream I was walking toward a large wide set of concrete steps, I decided to try to clear the steps with one leap and I did! Upon landing a woman ( stranger?) with really curly hair and a large beaded necklace asked me how I did the leap and expressed awe at my abilities. I kept saying that it just takes practice. Even I was confused by this answer because it seemed to me athletic ability would be required, even though no human could have made this leap.
      In the next segment I told her that running speed was also required to jump that high. In my dream world running always feels bogged down and slow. But last night I figured out how to run! I gave her a demonstration by starting super low like a track runner, and pushing off really hard. Then, to help gain speed I remained low enough to help push with my hands.this all went down on the landing spot.
      At this point I realized the dream was starting to fade, I was able to extend the dream by suggesting that she and I go get lunch, and we did. We both reappeared in a sandwich shop. I said go ahead an order anything you want, I then turned around to look at her and she had changed into a man (also a stranger). Then i started to question everything and I woke up.
      The details of the dream are both fuzzy and clear. When I first woke up I was disappointed that I missed my chance for lucidity, and slowly started recalling points of control in the dream. The leap, running, and suggesting lunch. I guess this counts. Can't wait for tonight!
      lucid , memorable