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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Strange, sensual and so real

      by , 10-11-2010 at 11:04 PM
      He was the most handsome man I have ever seen or imagined. I can still see his face, but somehow my photographic memory is a bit blurry. I remember the main features, dark, long shiny hair, thick dark eyebrows, strong nose, soft lips, the whole tall dark and handsome cliché. He approached me and we were outdoors somewhere but I don't know where. Keep in mind I was able to see myself at times while at others I was seeing through my eyes. I remember my appearance being slightly more flattering than my actual appearance, but it was definitely me. He approached me and began to tell me how much he loved me. I didn’t know who he was, he didn't look even remotely like anyone I know or any celebrity, but immediately felt the same towards him. I remember being aware that I had really bad morning breath (which I later awoke to find that this awareness was more than correct) even though I was dreaming, and was somewhat aware that it was all a dream. I wanted to kiss him but wasn’t sure if he wanted to be kissed. Some of the hesitation was becaus of my selfconsiousenss of my bad breath, but he didn't seem to notice. It was almost as if he only wanted to kiss me if that is what I wanted and I didn’t want to make a move in case he wasn’t interested or it was innapropriate, because I only just met him and didn't know who was or where we were. I just remember staring into his eyes for what felt like a long time, then finally as if I was aching for it we began to kiss the most passionate kiss the memory of it gives me chills even now. Then suddenly, and here comes the really weird part, a shadow was cast upon us, I look up to see a large flying craft. It wasn’t the typical disk shaped UFO, it was quite elaborate for the imagination/dream of someone like myself who knows nothing about even cars let alone air craft. Not like anything I have ever seen before and I can still remember it fairly vividly and if I had any artistic ability at all I would try to draw it. I am so ignorant to mechanical functions I wouldn’t even be able to describe it. Moving on, I remember asking, or somehow communicating to him, not certain that it was verbal, what it was. He takes my hand, next thing I know we are in a room with yellow walls (I don’t know if this is significant but yellow is my favorite color, and that is probably the only part of this dream I might have any explanation for.) We began kissing again, as passionately as before, I remember his hair being so soft, and there was this overall softness all about him like a feather, I couldn’t take my hands off of him and he couldn’t take his hands off of me. We began to have intercourse and it felt so good, so real, and I didn’t want to stop but I felt this overwhelming guilt (I suppose because I am married but I don’t recall any clear thoughts at the time as to why I felt this guilt) and after about a minute I pulled away. He was still smiling and he didn’t make any move to stop me from ending it, he seemed indifferent about whether we continued or stopped. He told me (again I don’t recall any verbal communication, just knowing that this communication somehow took place) that he only wants whatever makes me happy. I awoke feeling as though I’d had the most wonderful orgasm and there were signs that my physical body had quite enjoyed the dream as well. I have never had such a vivid dream, at least not a good dream. I have had some pretty crazy nightmares, but never a happy dream, let alone a sexual dream such as this one.
      lucid , memorable