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    alien planet

    by , 07-08-2012 at 02:01 AM (263 Views)
    in the dream i was on a really tall mountin i was really high up i look down i could see the rest of the world and space and stars i dont know why but i wanted to jump i jumped and i fell through space i keep falling for a really long time untill i was close to the end of the universe then i landed on another planet it had 5 suns around it and one moon then i met the aliens they were just humans i went inside with them we ate and talked and i dont remember why but i had to leave but there was no why for me to get back to earth we went outside and they wanted me to jump again i think they said something would happen when i fell about another 116 feet so i jumped ervery started to get blurry and really foggy then i could see really faint out lines of things like houses then i relized it was earth but that didnt make sence to me i thought earth was up not down and then i landed and was back on earth

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    memorable , dream fragment
