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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Interesting dream about miley cyrus

      by , 04-14-2011 at 07:07 AM
      Okay so I was going through my old dream logs i recorded and i found one about miley cyrus LOL.
      Kinda relates to what she's going through now, ..okay not really, but maybe I can foresee the future through my dreams!! hahahah
      I had this dream 12/06/09

      i was at the airport and I remember I was trying to get to the other side but it kept getting blocked off. I don’t remember all it too clearly but I remember not being able to go in and being very frustrated about it. I was on the farm and I saw miley cyrus. She was becoming a partier and her mom was very worried about it. She would always take people home on a horse and say that since its dark she’s going to ride with her friend back to their house. There was a speed eating contest in one of the barns. There were three turtles on the table. They had very big mouths and inside their mouths were many rocks. They had to finish a whole coral reef. They chewed it very slowly and was very slow. I asked the turtle “why do you eat the coral reef? Does it taste good?” the turtle replied “no, it’s okay but when I chew, it’s soft on the teeth.” I was in the point of view of miley’s mother and she went in miley’s room to clean up her mess. She found poop on her bed and was terribly shocked. She told miley that she can no longer play with the friends that she associates with. Miley was mad because she said that her friend was a “talker” and that she needed to become a “talker” too.
    2. Becoming Lucid (First lucid dream); Hypnagogia/Sleep paralysis

      by , 04-14-2011 at 05:53 AM
      I remember most of my dreams, I'm not sure whether I should think of it as something grateful or unlucky.

      I've been practicing the art of lucid dreaming for the past month now. I've been having intense hypnagogia/sleep paralysis because of it. Every time I experience hypnagogia it's always so stressful for me. Before I become hypnagogic I always have a dream that I am just living my daily life when suddenly something goes wrong; For instance: I try turning on the lights in my room but they won't turn on and the room becomes dark, or in worst cases once I saw my brother hanging from the bathroom ceiling with blood everywhere, or suddenly I am talking to my friend and her skin starts melting, or once I opened my closet door and inside was pitch black and I heard some demonic voices yelling at me so I got annoyed and yelled back saying "f*ck you, you're hella annoying" and flipped him off (but then what ever it was got really angry and screamed at me). Anyways, after something goes wrong I go into sleep paralysis/hypnagogia. It gets pretty intense and scary sometimes but now I'm just really annoyed.

      I realized after studying about lucid dreaming, dreaming and sleep paralysis, that it is nothing but a dream and now when I have nightmares I am able to control the bad situations and even the unsettling events that occur in my dream before sleep paralysis.
      So yeah, if any of you have sleep paralysis/hypnagogia don't be afraid! You are just merely asleep and your mind shut itself off from your voluntary muscles so you don't hurt yourself while you move about in your dream. But you are still able to move your fingers and toes, so if you ever want to wake up just keep wiggling your fingers and toes and your mind will realize that you are conscious and you will wake up. Or try taking deep breaths because doing so will trigger your mind to realize you are not sleeping because your breathing patterns are different from your sleep breathing patterns!

      Anyways, on to my first lucid dream..

      I've been trying to make a habit of checking whether I was dreaming or not even in reality so that I might habitually do it in my dreams as well. What I do is, I plug my nose and shut my mouth and take a deep breath. Obviously in real life that is not physically possible, but I read somewhere that when you do it in your dreams, you can breathe even though both of your airways are shut. I've read that doing this in your dream state would induce one to become lucid. So after much practice, I had my first lucid dream about 2 weeks ago.

      I was standing in the middle of an empty road and I did my reality check and what do you know! I became conscious that I was dreaming! Since it was my first time I became so excited I started telling everyone around me that I was dreaming (apparently this is normal for newbie lucid dreamers). I found it so spectacular that I could finally be lucid. I ran around and went up to random people (for some reason i dream of people I've never met before) and told them I was dreaming and that they were merely made up people in my mind. After calming down (thank goodness I didn't wake up), I walked in front of a white honda civic. I wanted to test my ability to control time. So I exclaimed to the man inside of the car to come out and shoot me with a gun. He looked at me kinda funny and didn't respond. I told him again that I was dreaming and that I needed to test time control so he HAD to come out and shoot me with a gun. He shrugged and came out of the car. I was so excited. He pointed the gun at me and shot.
      It was amazing, at first it seemed like the bullet was coming at me at lightning speed, but only for a second. I then managed to slow the bullet down into ultra slow motion. I tried to pinch the bullet in between my fingers but failed. I told him to shoot at me again and the same thing happened. I did it a couple more times but with no success. Kinda bummed out I walked away and thought about what else I should do in my dream. I started to make my own music/beat and had it playing all over the entire city as if the music was coming from the sky! It was a pretty damn good beat too, I told myself to try and remember it when I wake up.
      As I was walking down the street listening to my music, I created a cannabis store so I could experiment to see if I could get high in my dream. They had weed with a transparent-like rainbow glow to it. I took a few hits and continued walking down the street. I felt buzzed but not high.
      I ran out in the middle of the street (there were no cars) and spun around 3 times to see if I would land in another dimension. Mission failed, and I slowly felt the dream falling apart. I tried focusing on my hands but ended up leaving my current dream.
      All of a sudden I was in my bed. Everything was really bright. I did my reality check again and immediately became lucid.
      I wanted to see if I could control having sex in my dreams.
      I thought of my boyfriend and he appeared but looked different. He seemed much skinner than he is now and he did not seem too happy to see me. He wasn't intimate at all and was being cold and blunt. I was sad at first but realized he was only a projection and just a shade of my real boyfriend.

      Then I woke up.