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    A life time without dreaming.

    by , 04-19-2011 at 05:16 PM (483 Views)
    This thread is a story about the years i spent without dreaming. As well as the process of ridding this plight, stand by for a long one folks.

    In elementary school i never did my homework or paid any attention in class, I was thought lazy and even stupid. But it turned out, i was just tired. You see i had developed a growth in my right sinus cavity. The growth was so large i couldn't breathe through my right nostril. Resulting in sever breathing issues, my mother claims that at some times through the night i would just stop breathing in 10 second bursts. Because of my breathing issues i couldn't sleep, it took hours just to get to sleep, and i would never stay asleep. My nose would always wake me up, i could never get into the deep enough sleep needed to dream let alone get a good nights sleep. So, dreams were rare and a treat. When i didn't sleep i was tired all day, enough so that i wouldn't do anything accept daydream about being asleep. So i didn't know what was going on in class, and never wanted to do my homework. My grades were awful, i was never in my right mind set and I would never dream. Needless to say i was miserable.

    Eventually, my strange breathing habits worried my mom too much, she brought me to a specialist in... well... noses. The doctor brought me in, dipped cotton balls in numbing fluids and proceeded to shove them in my nose, this was rather uncomfortable, almost painful. after a few minutes, the cotton balls came out, and a camera went in, studying my nose, the doctor claimed to have found something, so i was sent for an MRI and on the MRI they found the growth that was the cause of my anguish. I was scheduled for surgery. So now i played the waiting game.

    Several months passed until i finally went under the knife, this being the first surgery i could remember i was scared out of my mind, when the paint smelling anesthesia went over my face, i fell out of consciousness very quickly, upon waking up in a recovering room puking blood, it wasn't over. After a painful car ride home, i spent 2 months in my room getting over the nausea after the procedure. Once i was back on my feet, i was a new man, i could breathe, i could sleep, and best of all i could dream. After dreaming 3 nights in a row, i fell in love with it, having my first lucid within the month. I couldn't help but look for more, i was reading up on Wikipedia about various different traits of dreams and so on, upon a Google search i found dream views and here i am now. A passionate dreamer and member of this great community.

    Share your own stories or your thoughts on mine!

    Thanks for reading,

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    side notes
