• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Nighttime Compositions

    A journal showing all the dreams my mind thinks up every night. I am a newbie so dont expcet too many of the dreams to be lucid just yet!

    1. Nighttime Compostions

      by , 07-28-2011 at 07:47 PM (Nighttime Compositions)
      Hey guys, so last night i was able to recall 2 dreams unfortunately none of them lucid haha

      Dream 1) I was in my room with my friend who i will refer to as M. So M and I were fooling around and playing video games. M got mad when she lost and jumped thru my window i'm not sure why that did not trigger Lucidity!! i freaked out when she jumped out the window and i ran down to see her. After that, the dream goes blurry

      Dream 2) In a huge laundry room, like 1000+ washing machines! I get lost with my brother and we keep trying to find our bed (ummm...??). After a while my brother disapears and i freak out trying to find him. I eventually find him in a washing machine and i wake up.