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    My little Sister in '93

    by , 03-20-2015 at 03:08 AM (429 Views)
    My Dad and Aunty Karen sitting together, we see a little 3 year old girl self-assured. She says some sort of proclamation that is very cute before running away. Dad says,
    "Do you know who she reminds me of?"
    And Aunty Karen nods her head before saying, "Erika, in '93."
    I get the sense that Erika, who is my younger sister, did something or said something during this year, that had a foreshadowing effect to the about the unadulterated success she would have in her future.

    I wake up and ask my dad about it

    He said there was one time in Montreal that stood out a bit. It was when my older cousin EJ was trying to get my brother Chris (older than Erika) to play and he did not want to at the time. EJ was persistent and started tugging on Chris's arm. Erika who was about 4 (in '93)at the time intervened by putting her arm protectively in front of Chris and said "He said he didn't want to play" very assertively which shocked everyone in the room because she was usually so timid in public.
    My little sister, who remained quiet for most of her childhood, is now a very successful, adventurous business accountant who handles millions of dollars daily. And yes she is happy, self-assured and very assertive.
    Keitorin likes this.

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