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    My yesterday's post didn't post. 7/23 dream!

    by , 07-24-2010 at 08:00 PM (405 Views)
    My title: Fundraising, my brother, A. character, and Joe Dream

    I am in a home, in the downstairs.
    My brother and his friend, let's call him A., are selling something, trying to raise money for a fundraiser. They come and talk to me about it and think they're really clever because they have created this rectangular 3 dimensional box and I think it is made up of many different colorful 3 dimensional objects. I think this has a lot to do with the collaging I've been doing in my waking life because it looked very similar to a collage. They have made a small, plastic case in which the number five, 5 has been printed and in which there is a zipper on. This is where you are supposed to place your five dollar bill and they believe to be very smart in their strategy because now they can make a large sum of money very fast, supposedly. They plan to go door to door with this. That is when I open the door to go outside and see the neighborhood I'm in.
    A family friend Joe D. was in my dream, as a character, but not for long.

    There is a little girl in this neighborhood, she has a dress on and she is with a much younger girl. She wants to kiss someone in a cute, innocent, little girl way.

    There was a bridge like an area in Chicago, Bridgeport where I've attended a party with friends and was walking in the dream just like I had been walking a summer ago at night, very drunk, trying to find my father's car.

    I felt like I could have become lucid very easily and this dream stayed fresh for a while. I have been having lots and lots of reality checks lately. I feel like I could have a lucid dream any one of these upcoming nights now.

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    Tags: fragments
    non-lucid , dream fragment
