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    Memorable Dreams

    1. a cyberpunk mess

      by , 09-24-2010 at 02:05 AM
      In this dream I was visiting family in THE NOT TOO DISTANT FUTURE!!!

      In this world there is marshall law in the city we were in. People were using nanites to enhance themselves and become stronger, smarter, faster, and even fly. All of this was common knowledge in the dream and was exactly why there was marshall law in the city. I lived outside of this zone and had no nanites in my system. I would sneak relatives out of this place. many of them were either dying or living near it. my cousin injects me with these nanites without my knowledge so that i could get my brother who was on the other side of this town.

      I ran incredibly fast to get to him, jumping from one building, car or pole. once i found my brother he was perfectly content with staying in this zone. His point of view was that this was a sign of the decay of civilization in general and that it was inescapable. so i attempted to go back to my cousin's house but was gently flagged by a polite man in a futuristic military patty wagon. he insists that i enter the van. i go in like a moth to a flame.

      Two other official types are in the van as well, including my relatives. I'm scanned for these nanites. The nanites we were dabbling with are outdated. a woman in the van said something like "if it's before 73 (2073?) all we can do is tag it." so we are all "tagged" rather than sent to some other worse fate. once out of the wagon I try to run super fast again but the muscles all over my body cramp up and my breathing becomes heavy and all i can do is a light jog. then i woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable