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    1. Fragments #1

      by , 03-31-2012 at 01:21 PM
      25. 3. 2012
      For some reason, I'm looking at Nisemonogatari anidb page and I see there are only 5 episodes aired yet.

      26. 3. 2012
      I'm wearing a suit and it's giving me terrible itch.

      27. 3. 2012 - 31.3. 2012
      Couldn't remember anything, except on 30th, I knew I had a dream and forgot it.

      Updated 04-06-2012 at 12:53 PM by 53637

      Tags: anime, itch, suit
      dream fragment
    2. Dream #1 [LUCID]

      by , 03-24-2012 at 10:38 PM
      School workshop

      The hall, which our lockers are in, turned into some kind of workshop. There are tables in line in the center of the hall and bunch of people are sitting on both sides. Interestingly, it is night and I can't see any lights being turned on, though I can see everything perfectly, although it feels a little dark. I know there are two teams competing against each other. Everyone is working on something. I don't know why, but I go check out the team, that is doing worse. It seems they are trying to do something from paper, but I don't know why. I suddenly sit down with 2 or 3 people, whose faces I can't remember and suggest we write a haiku. I'm looking for paper to write on, but I can't find any. I go look for some, and I see a completely different project of the stronger team being built. It will probably be some kind of ship. (the shape resembles Noah's Ark displayed in stories for children) It's still only basic wooden construction at early stages. When I return to my desk, I find small bits of paper to write on, I try to remember haiku about frog, but I fail.

      So, I go look in my class, for whatever reason. I find something really surprising there. The door leading to our class is actually a glass one. I hear peoples' voices inside, so I look through the glass and see German class having lesson inside. I look at the timetable next to our door and find it completely changed. The walls are painted in strong orange.

      Later that day I find myself walking on pedestrian crossing in my city's downtown, near the old cathedral. After a while, I'm walking on the street that is almost blank, just road beside me and super futuristic building a few hundred metres away. You know, high and made from conrete and glass. I meet two of my classmates - Miška and Deňa, they seem to be waving at me. I can't remember what we were talking about. As I'm walking down the street, sudden realization hits me - I'm dreaming! I try to push my fingers through the palm, but it doesn't work. I wake up.

      Sitting in car watching sceneries

      I'm sitting in car and after some time (can't remember if it was 5 minuts or 5 hours) I realize I'm dreaming. I try to push my fingers through palm, but it doesn't work. I plug my nose, allowing me to breath partially. I'm unable to move (I'm thinking about flying out of car, but I fail) I'm watching all kinds of sceneries pass by all the time. I wake up.

      Updated 03-25-2012 at 09:54 AM by 53637
