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    [Sep. 1, 11] Unfair meter maid

    by , 09-01-2011 at 01:09 PM (420 Views)
    Notes Non-Lucid Lucid

    Me, my brother, and my friend Austin were at some place. We were walking past some cars in a parking lot. Suddenly, I spot Austin's car right beside us and say something like "You might want to move this." So, he moves it out of the parking lot, goes down the road a little, and parks it into some grass that was between the highways. Suddenly, a meter maid comes out of nowhere and points out that he had a ticket. Although, the "ticket" was a big sticker plastered on the side of his car showing how much money a certain amount costs. (i.e. 2 tickets is $1000, 3 tickets is $1500.) Austin just knelt down and stared at it blankly. I said "Wow, that's a lot of money..." Then the dream skips a few seconds. And now, Austin is the meter maid for some reason. Me and my brother are still there, but some woman is now following us. Anyways, he says "And now I've spotted another violation." All three of us are trying to persuade him not to give her the ticket. I said "Why can't you let us off? I've seen other people do it!" He says "Well, I'm not other people." It is taking us forever to get to the car. Even though it wasn't that far away from us to begin with. Soon, he gets annoyed at us and screams "Arghhh!" The "camera" then zooms into his face to show he had no pupils. The background behind his face is fiery and such. He starts screaming gibberish and starts chasing after me and my brother. (Don't know where the woman went.) I look like back at Austin. He has his fist raised in the air and still screaming. I notice that his whole right arm is looks robotic. Then, it seems like I was confused on why his land looked that why. I became lucid. Almost immediately, I changed his hand back to normal somehow. After that, I sighed and told my bro "Just run..." I suddenly started running extremely fast; jumping over building and such. And then, a search box appeared in front of my eyes. It had google.com about to be searched. I thought "What if this messes up my dream?" (The reason I thought that is because I thought that if it started doing things without me doing so, I would lose lucidity. Which, now, I realise that's not entirely true.) So, I quickly changed it to google.net.

    Then, I woke up. As soon as I woke up, I remembered to try to do a DIELD. Although, I failed because I wasn't sleepy enough. That, and that my mom was making to much noise. Agh!

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    Tags: lucid, non-lucid
    lucid , non-lucid
