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    Humorous lucid dream!

    by , 05-07-2011 at 01:29 AM (482 Views)
    I was in my school girl's bathroom in a stall in the dream, and I was looking into the bathroom. Not into another stall, I'm not... yeah. So I saw my male Social Studies teacher washing his hands, and I said, "Um, excuse me, but this is the girls' bathroom." He smiled creepily and said, "I know." At this point I became lucid. I decided to teleport, since a bathroom wasn't the greatest place to lucid dream. So I closed my eyes and opened them, and I was in a dark house. It was silent, so it was probably night. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and I scrambled to hide. Too late. A man speaking German was walking down the stairs wearing a suit and tie. He spotted me and began walking towards me. Nervous and afraid this would turn into a lucid nightmare, I said, "You're not real." He stopped dead, shrugged, and sat down in a rocking chair. That was easy, I thought. i decided to shape-shift, so I used a method I read on the forum somewhere and started acting like I was a cat. I shimmied around on my hands and knees, meowing and batting at the German guy's shiny black shoes. I heard his family coming down the stairs, and when they saw me, they began to stare oddly at me and murmur to each other in German. I must have been quite a sight.
    I woke up laughing.

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