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    1. Medieval times

      by , 03-30-2011 at 01:56 PM
      I was somewhere in a forest with a knight. He explained me how his kingdom worked. There were 3 classes. We travelled through the forest and went to a scout of the knight. We talked to him and we saw batteries on the ground. So we picked them up while the scout said how bad they were for the forest. Next thing i remember was that we were in the castle. There were many people. Knights ,servants, etc. Suddenly i fell without air and fell on the ground. A lady came and sat on me and gave me a gasmask. After a while i went back to normal. There was a big feist in the castle. Me and a servant had to bring one of the nobles on a platform and then pull the platform up with a rope. The rest i can not remember.
    2. Lost

      by , 03-28-2011 at 08:23 PM
      I started on my school yard. The cleaning lady told me to collect the garbage together with a girl. I remember that i was constantly thinking that i had a big test for biology. I then saw 2 of my classmates that were looking for me. I talked to them and told them i had to clean up the yard.

      After the cleaning was finished, i jumped on my bike and started cycling to the gym. I then remembered that i had Bio. So i cycled back in panic while it was dark. I lost my way and ended in a street with no houses. There only was a wooden ruin with a toilet standing in a wooden box. I went into the toilet and as i entered it became light again. I saw 3 people i knew walking towards me. I also saw that i was near the sea, i could see i was on a cliff. Now i became lucid.

      I talked to the folks and remember i could see everything very clear and real. This was the most clear lucid i've had so far. I then saw some ladies walk by and i approached them.

      The dream took a sexual turn again. Unfortunatly i woke up before it finished.
    3. Lucid dreaming class

      by , 03-26-2011 at 08:47 AM
      The dream started with me being in a house with a woman. The woman was a robot that looked human. We went somewhere in the house and started working on breaking down something to make a hallway. Next thing i remember was that i saw the woman/robot in a store. She tried to pay something but her robotmind crashed while doing so.

      Next thing i remember was that me and some people from my class were on a boat. We were holding some sort op competition of who could make the best dream. We were sailing through a thick swampy forest. Suddenly we stranded on the beach. It appeared to be omaha beach. As we went ashore, the attack started. I was moving forward and doing some ninja moves. I climbed on the bunkers and found myself in the Hq. Here i saw a man with red eyes. I killed him and then i saw there was another platform. I jumped on it and here i saw the robot woman controlling the operation.

      Next thing i remember was being in a house with my classmates. This is when i became lucid. We walked downstairs and i remember telling them to rub their hands to stay lucid.

      From now on the dream had a sexual plot. I will not go into detail, but when it started i felt the dream fading away. I woke up and went back to the dream. I was in the same house and went downstairs. Rubbing my hands furiously. We started again but once again i could feel the dream fade away. Now i woke up in my bed and was awake.
      lucid , non-lucid
    4. Suicide Tv

      by , 03-19-2011 at 09:25 AM
      I was sitting in a appartment with some people. I remember there was a tv that could assist yµyou in suicide. It had several options. I can only remember one was standing before it 30 mins and then it would shoot a bullet. I remember telling the people what a stupid idea it was. After this i walked outside in a big city. Looked a bit like BArcelona. After this again i found myself at school. I was walking through the hallways with fellow students. One of them said our study room was closed. Then we were talking about someone i knew , and how she would fail her exams.
      Tags: school, tv's
    5. First lucid !

      by , 03-18-2011 at 09:48 PM
      I set my alarm clock at 5.00 in the morning to try WilD. I attempted it 3 times. Each time i was close to the turning point, but every time it failed for various reasons. Me being to excited was the main one.

      But because i was constantly saying i was gonna have a lucid dream while trying wild this sunk into my mind. After the three attempts (1.3 hours later) i gave up so i went to sleep. The first thing i remember dreaming was that me, a friend were cycling though a forest. After going on a hill, we saw a huge camp of tents. As we approached i saw my mother and some of her friends. Se told me we were staying the weekend in the tent camp. I though something like "wtf are you kidding, im going home."

      I walked away to a house ( a reception or similar). Here a saw some men sitting. One of them was constanly shifting. First he was a black man then a white man. This ringed a bell in my head of " hey this cant be real" . Then i realised that i was dreaming.

      I stood outside and thought man it would be cool if i could fly. I jumped and suddenly i found myself flying upwards. In the sky i could see stars made of pixelart. As i flew along i suddenly found myself flying among a dark tunnel and at the end there was a minecraft like world . As i flew in that world i stopped and stood on the land. Suddenly all the blocks started rising upwards and shifting rapidly. I stood on some sort of platform.

      After this i remember being in my kitchen. I heard my father coming up the stairs. I was unsure of wheter i was dreaming so i checked my hand. My left hands fingers were short and stumpy and blurry. Because of this i knew was dreaming again. As my father walked into the kitchen he started talking to me. I do not remember the entire conversation anymore, but i decided to open the windows after a while. I stood on the edge. I decided to jump to the other side of the street. As i did i came just a few metres short and smacked on the ground. After this failed attampt i decided to fly again. I said FLY to myself and this made me fly vertical at a super fast speed. As i was afraid i would fly to far above i said STOP FLYING. but This made me drop faster then a anvil. I saw the ground coming closer and did all i could to make me fly again. I failed and landed on the street. There i saw a car and i thought ow i want it. So i went to it and dragged the people inside out. Then i found myself in a bedroom. I though to myself , mmmmh i want a pretty girl. So i started turning around and when i stopped the bedroom was filled with old lady's.

      I then woke up inside a building with people. I though the dream was over, but it appeared to be false awakening. After this i woke up in my own bed.

      The dream felt somehow vague but i can still remember some things in detail. I never had something even like this, and it surely was my weirdest dream ever. I hope i didnt bore you with it. But i just wanted the share my first expierence with lucidity. Happy dreaming

      Ps: im suprised that my first lucidity went on so long. Normally it ends fairlly quickly because of excitement etc. i heard.