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    Ethereal Spirit's DJ

    by , 11-21-2011 at 04:38 AM (526 Views)

    All that I can remember:

    - Never went lucid
    - Went to a soccer game, felt like the field was across the street from my house because I parked outside with the thought "wow, I'm home, oooh there's a soccer game across the street, i'll go to it."
    - The soccer game was packed, mostly with middle-aged, wealthy people sitting in oddly-shaped white chairs. It was incredibly rainy and cold, I tried putting a jacket on only to realize it was somehow soaked already
    - I went to sit down at the soccer game, could feel people behind me staring at me so I moved, watched some of the game and phased into another dream.

    Dream #2: -Was in some sort of house, no known location, with a bunch of random celebrities
    - The only celebrity I can remember talking to was the actor Josh Holloway who played Sawyer on Lost, got a picture with him
    - I remember hearing multiple plane crashes outside of the house, one crashed directly into the house though for some reason it was inconsequential to me and other partygoers.

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    Tags: dream, lost, soccer, weird
