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    1. Didn't Sleep Very Much

      by , 04-30-2012 at 12:29 PM
      Night of the 29

      1:17- Some boy with dark hair was being forced to test at Aperture. I can't remember much else about that though.

      Then there was something about a person abusing this blonde. Cartman and Pip from South Park. Slender was there, but not sure what he played in it. I just know there was something with things levitating and something with buttons. It's a blur mostly.

      I could feel I was scared, but I had no clue why.

      I've tried going back to sleep. No luck. I'm too freaked. Just when I begin to fall asleep I'm jolted awake. *Ana let me turn on the lamp, which helped a little. But I don't want to sleep. I'm scared so irrationally it's not funny. I don't think I'll be resting until a little light starts to come out....
      But that's not for another hour give or take. I cant even remember. It's a Sunday night, and 4:47.... I haven't even tried to sleep since around 2:45. I'm tired, so tired... But I can't sleep. This is hell....
      5:43- starting to get lighter out. Gonna try to sleep for a little bit.
      6:26- Took me a bit to fall asleep. I dreamt somewhat but I really can't remember much. I'm just glad I got some sleep.*
    2. Slenderman won't let me sleep

      by , 04-29-2012 at 01:50 PM
      Night of the 28

      3:13- I was scared. I was running around with Dustin and Johnothan. I was scared and I kept thinking of random things to keep me from being so, but nothing helped. Pictures flashes before my eyes of things green with slime or rot. It was far from pleasant. Not much beyond this comes to mind.

      7:31- There was a dark room like in a haunted house. Slenderman kissed someone- Jay maybe? Anyway, I was there but I can't recall much.

      *So yeah not much to say today. I was too scared to think straight mostly. But I'll keep watching the Marble Hornet entries. I say this now when it's light, but I won't sleep well at night. Oh well.*
    3. Try and Fail

      by , 04-27-2012 at 12:46 PM
      Night of April 26

      2:17- nothing to say. Dang...

      6:21- still, nothing. *I know I dreamed but it's not so much fuzzy as it is nonexistent almost.*

      I tried to WILD and fell asleep. I started day-dreaming and forgot to reverse blink. I wasnt controlling it or thinking of this day-dream at all but before i kee it I was asleep. I'm not even sure if I should post this. I have to though, right? I've been at this for over 20 days now. No, forget it. I was my first try, I shouldnt be complaining right? But now I'm rambling and that's worse. I'm not sure if anyone reads this anyone, so why bother? Agh, no, I shouldn't think that, it's rude. I should just shut up and move on. I apologize if I'm complaining or totally off topic. I'll shut up now.
      dream fragment
    4. Ghosthunters and Killer Rainbow Dragons

      by , 04-26-2012 at 10:40 PM
      Night of April 25

      3:44- Two men are ghost hunters, but one far more experienced than the other. The first had dark, short hair and was cleanly shaven. The other had longer, blonde hair with stubble. I saw him attract a ghost by laying on one side of the bed, but I can't recall what happened after that. There was something about a white pillar that was in a stadium of sorts. Or maybe it was the stadium. I can't recall. The darker haired tried to show off in this building, but the blonde put him down. In a new house, the darker hair decided to attract a female ghost. He passed the blonde resting in a white rocking chair. The darker laid down in a long room with a TV and a window in front of the TV a few feet in front of it. I think there was a couch too below the window. It led into black. To the other end of the room there was the bed against the wall with the door next to the bed. Anyway, the ghost appeared and he pretended to be asleep. I dont know what happened but suddenly the blonde was there and really close to the dark haired man. When he saw he was asleep, he left and that was it.

      The dream switched to Shirley from Code Geass running through the woods. Apparently light came from chests the larger they were and she was running from people out to hurt her. There was a bright light and she spun around to see Lelouch with large breast smiling at her. It shone brightly and when asked "how?" he said he borrowed them from Madame President.
      I woke in my dream sort of and wished it to be Friday.
      Then I really woke up.

      6:17- A young boy met me outside of school at the fence around the water tower. He talked to me. He had tan skin and dark hair. He talked to me, but Anastasia and Adrianna didn't want him to. So they took to some house. He talked to me tho through a video game, with a screen like PacMan or something. It was pretty big and couldn't move very much, but somehow Anastasia and Adrianna didn't see. The house was wooden with red velvet in some places.*

      My family and I went on a camping trip. We were hiking when we reached a strange path littered with supplies. It was like a stone wall in a valley and we walked on the top of it. We spun around to see two people, who Dad didn't like very much. They didn't look nice. Anyway, at some point more of our family (altho I can't recall seeing any of them before) arrived at the house (similar to the house before). A son and daughter of the visiting family and the family of the house wanted to get married. The father didn't like this so he tried to talk to the other parents, but they were all for it.*

      It switches to a scene of the same house but a different room. Louis Griffin was trying to calm Stewie but he only grew angry. He turned into a colorful dragon/serpent with many heads. One head went down Louis's throught. She begged him not too, but more soon followed. They ripped her apart from the inside out. Brian went up to the dragon, only to be picked up by it. It walked away after that and the scene changed.

      At a place that looked sort of like the same house, yet more like a bass pro shop checkout, Dad was buying something. Anastasia didn't get anything but I watched a women put the powder sugar on a funnel cake. I bought a donut because seeing that made me hungry. And again the scene switched.

      Aang was meditating at the airbender contraption. Toph was scolding him for lack of action, but Aang merely breathed and sent the contraption spinning, cleanly cutting him off from Toph.Sokka was just there, maybe stuck in the ground.*They went to Jet for some reason. They were on a ledge above a section of ground lower than the rest, but only by seven or eight feet. Jet had to rescue some of his team from sections that wouldn't move. They were trapped. He rescued a kid- Duke maybe?- from a green tube. He didn't try to rescue Long-shot and Smellerbee because for some reason they couldn't be trusted. The sections could fly, but I didn't see this, only knew. And then I woke up.
    5. Put All Your Thoughts in a Blender

      by , 04-25-2012 at 11:04 PM
      Night of April 24

      3:13- A man was upset because the girl he liked couldn't visit him or something. Anyway, so spirits take those who come close to the house to the man. Anastasia and I went to Dollar General at some point to get somethin and he asked for us. He tried to get Poirot too. Anyway, at some point we rode a flying bison. I want to say I woke up before much else could happen. Not bad in retrospect. There's still 3 more hours.

      6:18- I and some other people were in the old science room. But there were trees and microwaves and the room was too big. We cooked love cats because they were mean. Anastasia turned a blind eye to it. Some other people showed up and ran around in the trees. We were all muddy, dirty, ratty and the like.

      New Orleans kidnapped white room hall way kiss girl knew frequency eat love room return peace police play sweet tooth ice-cream snow

      Had to make notes before leaving for school. Anyway, we were at that fountain at New Orleans in front of the Aquarium. We were walking along just fine. But then the scene changed. I was halfway in a small room. My middle hit the floor and my lower half was gone. Some people had kidnapped me. Then I was in a hall outside that room. Nurses were lined up in the hallway, restraining different looking patients as they were all mirrors. A blonde who looked like Hohenheim, but younger, kissed one of them. I didn't see it but I knew he had and I knew he was my brother somehow.
      The monsters ran down the white hallway but it was empty now. They looked rotten but they were stumbling quickly. They ran for a specific room for some reason. The smaller allowed the other to kill him and eat him because the smaller ones loved the bigger ones. The flesh was eaten off their bones like one might eat a chicken leg. I saw it as if I were the one eating this white flesh with green skin. But only for a moment.

      In a car with my kidnappers, one I remember as being a blonde with stubble, we were spying on this house but so were the police with the same frequency. It was confusing. It was a small red car and there were black, circular microphone things. There were two of them but I only remember the one. Finally Anastasia and some others stepped out of the old house and onto the brown wooden porch. They ushered us all to be happy and come inside. Problem aside, we did. I lay on a stage with Sweet Tooth, both of us presumed dead. My arms were hidden beneath my brown silk shirt. Ana was beside us, trying not to smile. It was fun.
      Later, still at the stage but the play was over. I looked in a fridge for snow. But I didnt find any. A little girl showed Ana and I something like foam but it was spongy to touch and creamy and sweet like ice-cream. It was delicious.*
      I dreamt Dad woke us up. He didn't. I know because soon the alarm went off. That's all.