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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. NYC Dreams / Chase Dreams

      by , 06-23-2012 at 08:22 AM
      Lately I've been having a lot of dreams that I'm back in NYC (YAY!) or that I'm getting chased.

      The ones in NYC sometimes consist of just roaming the city, but they also coincide with the chase dreams.

      Last night I had a dream that I was getting chased by the feds again and I had the upper edge the whole time because I could jump super high and super far, and I'm pretty sure I was running a lot faster than usual too.

      In another unrelated scenario, there was a bad guy chasing me and some friends. He was trying to shoot us with some acid or some kind of chemical which was supposed to really fuck your shit up. I remember it was some wooded area that I was running through, jumping over tall fences and buildings, and then I was able to get far enough and hide on top of a brown house. I watched the guy continue to run after my friends and then jumped down to try to kill him from behind, but he turned around and sprayed me with the chemical, which tasted sour and definitely didn't do anything to me. I ran back to the house and he came after me, still spraying me with this shit.

      The dream ended shortly after that cause I woke up.
      dream fragment